Claudia Chapter 1

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song inspiration - Give me love and the A team by Ed sheeran

Claudia Hodgins - Claudia smiled as he looked at the woman who slept beside him his fingers gliding up and down her bare back. he wrapped his hands around her breast pressing them toward her own chest as he pulled her closer to his body for warmth. "(f/n)" he whispered the sun's light danced upon her skin kissing her eyes wishing to wake her. slowly her lids lifted but not before shutting again her lips perked as she groaned turning she came face to face with Claudia. she smiled as she leaned forward kissing Claudia graved her cheek with his thumb staring into her (e/c) eyes "Lt.Colonel Hodgins naughty boy taking advantage of your underling in such a way" she chuckled. "even though your not really my underling I find it kind of kinky" he said as he rolled over top of her. he kissed at her neck gliding his hands up and down her sides but it wasn't long until Claudia was awaken by his alarm. he groaned, it was such a pleasant a dream he wished he could fall back asleep and finish it. he rolled on his side slamming his hand on the clock he laid there for a few seconds that women in is dream was a prostitute during his time in the war. she was his favorite prostitute over the years he had been in the war he had around five but once she came along he rid himself of the others and kept her around. however once the war disappeared so did she for the first time Hodgins actually felt something for a woman but he wasn't sure if she had ever felt something for him. he sighed as he started his morning routine showering he looked at himself at the foggy mirror slowly lifting his finger to the mirror he started to draw her face in the mirror.

Claudia closed his eyes as he remembered the days he spent watching her, her (e/c) orbs staring up at him as her lips were stained white. her (s/c) face becoming pale from the harsh temperature she endured while her knees bruised. breathing in the snow flakes  as she waited for the next soldier. she burnt her lungs with the poisonous tobacco anything to rid the sour taste even if its for a few seconds. no matter how far ahead she would get she would come back,  her days end was always struggling to pay rent. she spent  long nights with many strange men on the army bases.

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