Claudia chapter 7

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(f/n) pulled back as she stared at Claudia "you promised to take me with you, why, why did you leave me!" she yelled as she started to hit her fist against his chest.

Claudia looked away "I don't know, I wasn't thinking right, when I heard I was able to leave I packed up and left I wanted out."

"I wanted out too" she said in a begging like tone

"I know I had to make sure I had everything straight. I didn't want to take you out and you have nothing. no home, no job, nothing I had to set everything up and I did for you" he said while placing his hands on her shoulders.

"I would have been fine as long as I was with you Claudia, things changed when you weren't here." she said her eyes started to sting as the tears blurred her vision.

"everything will be okay now I promise" Claudia said

"how can I believe that Claudia, everything will be okay you weren't here. you weren't here I needed you and you left me behind like I was nothing!" she yelled

Claudia looked at her "I-I thought i was doing what was good for you i was wrong I swear I'll make it up to you. I'll fix this I never wanted to hurt you (f/n)" he grabbed her hands holding them."I'm taking you with me I don't want you doing this anymore I'll give you a job you'll live with me." he said

"Claudia I've been doing this for so any years I don't think I have any expertise in your field you had the chance to get a education, your very safisticated compared to me I wouldn't know how to act I'm a whore remember." 

 Claudia looked at (F/N) he shook his head "your wrong" he said "your not some sex tool your more than that. the soldiers like you they can talk to you your the lining between many things a lover, a friend, a therapist" he said. "your heart is glass and your mind of stone I promised you I would get you out of here that's what I am going to do."don't doubt yourself your coming with me lets go get your stuff." he dragged her along (f/n) wasn't sure how to feel she wasn't sure if she should be happy that she was leaving or confused. but either way Claudia was taking her away and she was really excited to finally leave and experience his life.

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