dietfried chapter 2

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3rd person's pov - (f/n) winced as she sat up her gut ached from the previous afternoon and after dinner oddly she was subjected to do 20 sit-ups along with 30 crunches. it was early around 4 am she looked around the room dietfried was still asleep slowly she snuck her clothes and towel onto her arms as she tiptoed out of the room. walking down the halls she slipped into the showers letting her clothes fall to her feet she winced as she unwrapped the tightly wrapped bandages from around her chest. walking off to the shower she started the water letting it warm up and as the steam lightly kissed her legs she stepped under the water. it was still a odd feeling when she ran her fingers through her short hair it was unnatural the way she let her hand keep gliding downwards as if she still had her (H/C) locks. she bowed her head letting the hot water poor down her back she held her (e/c) eyes open her orbs staring at the white tile as she thought back to how she had gotten there.

"but you cant your too hurt to keep fight father!" (f/n) yelled "that's enough if my country needs me I will go I don't have a son and you obviously cant go" he said as he sat down reading over the letter. "please If I lose you I will have no one" "that's enough (f/n) go to bed I don't want you worrying about this I can handle this I have fought countless wars its my job to show these damn kids where to point the gun and pray they don't blow their own head off." he said as he sat back in his chair groaning as he held his leg moving the joint outward. "dad I-" "go to bed everything will be okay I wont be gone forever you know before you know it the war will end and I will be coming home maybe in that time I can even find you a suitable husband." "dad" she whined as she hugged him from behind "I love you I could never leave your side" she said "one day you will have to I need my name to live on promise me that if you have a son you will name it after your old man at least one of them." he said (f/n) nodded "Of course I will everyone will remember the name (father's/N) (L/N)" she said he father chuckled "I hope so" he said (f/n) had slipped some sleeping pills in her fathers drink that night. she spent a hour packing and writing him a letter. as she finished up she stood in the bathroom with a pair of metal scissors the sound of snipping was heard with every lock of hair that fell. her (h/c) hair filled the sink she dressed up wearing her deceased brother's boots and his baggy clothes. once she was finished she left kissing her fathers forehead "I'm sorry dad but I have to do this." she whispered she headed off to registration holding the letter tightly in her hand after a nights travel. "(Father's/Name) has two sons which are listed as  K.I.A your saying he is your father?" the general asked "yes I am we don't have the same mother I just found out two years ago I had a father we have bonded and I want to take his place." "i see and do you have any experience?" he asked "no but living under his roof I am familier with navy life style." the general chuckled "I understand please just give me your name and I will make sure your enlisted instead" he said that's all it took it was easy but (f/n) hadn't planned what she would do after she gotten in after all she was a woman entering the navy which was filled with men.

she was barely twenty minutes into the shower when she heard foot steps panicking she grabbed her towel and clothes and hurried to get everything on. with little time she had she wasn't able to get her bandages on so she held her dirty clothes and towel close to her chest making her way to the door. dietfried was just walking in he was only in his sweat pants his hair was messy and he was stumbling form being groggy. walking side to side he had bumped into (f/n) he growled under his breath "watch it" he said (f/n) didn't have time to fight with him she had to get back to the room and get everything ready. "whatever" she mumbled dietfried stopped he turned his head he reached out stopping her "why are you wet" he asked "I-I took a shower that's all" she said back "showers are at six don't break the rules if you do both of us will get points toward us." "I just don't like showering with others" she said "well get use to it for the next couple months you'll be pissing shitting and showering next to us all you'll know every nook and cranny of everyone's body." he smirked as he looked her over "You look like a 4incher maybe less." "I-I have a sizable one don't judge you don't know me" "oh? I heard its the little ones that are always trying to prove something" he said as he leered over her "your the one who brought it up now me if I have to say your p-probably scared I would beat you." she said Dietfriend frowned "cocky that will get you killed kid" he said raising his fist (f/n) flinched and dietfried laughed "your pathetic" he said before walking off. (F/n) was red with frustration was this really how navy men acted.

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