Dietfried chapter 5

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3rd person's pov - (f/n) looked at dietfried she grabbed her towel trying to cover up. dietfried anger got the better of him, he stomped over grabbing her arm tightly most likely leaving a imprint for later. he pulled her closer as he slapped her leaving a bright red mark across her cheek. (f/n) fell to her knees she looked away from him as the shower poured down on her and dietfried "I'm sorry" she said "what are you sorry for I'm the one having to live in embarrassment. you lived in my room for months and I never knew you were a woman do you know what that says or if they decide I did know I could get kicked out!" he yelled (f/n) looked at him "well maybe you do everyday I was beaten up by you everyday for what!" she yelled dietfrieds eyes widen "what!" he snapped back "I am here for my dad he is a prideful man he has no sons, no use of his left leg, he cant continue fighting I did this for him and myself." she said as she looked up at him "if you want to tell go ahead I don't give a damn if it gives me a break from you then I will accept full penalty for it." she said dietfried was conflicted on what to do she had gotten this far and the generals and such were starting to notice her is she happened to make a name there was no way they could go harsh on her or him. "I wont say anything for now but starting now things are just going to get harder you need to bring everything up starting now I'll be working with you. if you fail I will as well and if I fail I swear man or woman I will beat the living day lights out of you." he growled (f/n) nodded "I swear I will try my hardest" she said dietfried turned away "hurry and get dressed so we can eat and tend to your wounds" he said.

one month later - (f/n) arms shook as she pushed herself up "77, 78, 79 80-" "okay that's enough" dietfried said he pulled his boot from her back. he watched as (f/n) fell on her stomach exhausted from her push ups. dietfried sighed "I guess you can break for today" he said (f/n) nodded as she sat up "lets get some lunch" she said. dietfried pulled her up "lets go" he said (f/n) and his relationship was only a step ahead they still often fought. but now dietfried was making her his first priority in helping her hide her identity. making their way down the hallway a few of dietfrieds friends grouped around them "yo dietfried you going soft on the little one here your like the father now" one of the men said "just helping him get his shit together" he said back to him "oh and how's that doing" another man said as he shoved (f/n) backwards (f/n) glared at the man she felt embarrassed for the first time ever. she got up and started to swing her fist tears left her eyes as she punched and pounced the men. dietfied watched not getting into the fighting it wasn't until one of the men kneed (f/n) in the gut that dietfried iumped in. he punched the man in the jaw pushing (f/n) behind him "that's enough!" he yelled "why the hell you getting all chummy with him huh you weren't like this before in fact you were the one to start all this" one of the men growled as he pushed dietfried. dietfried stood his ground "well no more go pick on someone else (f/n) has a high grade than you she trains while you all are sitting around with your thumbs up your asses. you think cause your daddy pays for you, you wanna prove me wrong then get your ass out there and show me." he growled (f/n) looked at him in shock. the men looked at dietfried before walking off with low grumbles and low gossip (f/n) looked at dietfried who in returned whacked the back of her head "come on."

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