They sure grow quick

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I was damn surprised when he told me his name. Ofcourse i'd remember that name as soon i heard it, Alex Cole was one of the annoyest students in my class and damn he made my first year of teaching a misery and now here he was looking all cute and just amazing. I couldn't believe my eyes as he walked back to his friend and brother. I wanted to ask more but there was no time. Lisa arrived and he left.

'Who was that, she asked taking a seat in the chair Alex just stood up from.

'That was one of my pupils i replied proudly

'Oh she replied, damn he's hot not that i'm perving or anything anyways i've got someone she replied smiling.

'So what took you so long i asked

'Oh yeah about that, ask Jake when you see him she replied. Jake's Lisa's boyfriend, and he's just well weird but Lisa doesn' t think so. Lisa's two year older than me, she's twenty three now and works as a receptionalist at the local hosipital, she always have stories to tell me.

'Sure, i'll ask him , i replied as she started to tell me about her day at work yesterday. In the middle of her story the boys walked by and Alex smiled as he walked pass. I smiled back and nodded at the same time still listening to Lisa's story. After exchanging stories and all it was nearly 9.00am and we both paid for our tea's and cookies which we ate whiles we talked and then walked to our cars and drove to work.

The day at work went quick. The usual lessons took place and at lunch time i talked to a collegaue as we ate. She's a cool teacher and over my career as a teacher so far, she's played a part in making it sucessful and i truly i'm grateful for that. Mrs.Mills is quite old now nearly sixty i think, she's being working in this primary school for thirty seven years now.

As the day came to an end, i waited with my students  for their parents and guardians to come pick them up, something that is to be done everyday. By 4.00pm all my students were gone and i was finally ready to go home. Walking to my car, i was glad for the wind cause it certainly was too hot, the sun was up and bright and it really was hot being why i wore a dresss today. Singing to myself quietly i walked to my car, put my bag in the back seat and then walked and took my seat at the drivers seat and then took off home.

I'm meant to go out later with Lisa and a few friends, so yeah got to get ready for that as soon as i get home. The school where i teach is in another estate from where i live, so its quite a drive there and back. I was a bit late today cause of Lisa, by the time, i got in a cover teacher was taking my class and she gladly gave me my work as i got in, mum will probably wanna talk to me about that later. All day i've had a great day, not too bad i'd say.

 As i got in from work, getting out of the car and walking to my door, i saw my neighbour and we talked for a while.

'Hi Jade, Mark said from his garage.

'Hi, i replied walking over so i could see him well cause he was behind his car doing something. 

'So what are you doing, i asked.

'Cleaning my car, he replied showing me a sponge.

'Oh, i replied and where's Liberty and the little one, i asked.

'Out to get some icecream, he replied smiling. We talked for like a few minutes before, i went back in. Mark's been my neighbour ever since i moved from my parents house here, Liberty's his wife and they have a son only four, he's adorable. They're amazing neighbours and sometimes i babysit for them, that's if i'm free, we have barbecues all the time too, when it's really hot.

Walking inside, i got changed ready for my night out with Lisa and company and then went outside to water the flower. By the time i set out for my night out, it was 6.00pm and being a friday night, i could stay out late, cause i didn't have work in the morning, i have some marking to do though. Back in my car, i drove pass cafe angel and that's when i remembered, i've forgotten about my meeting with Alex all day till now. He's grown up, you know and i can't believe it, he seems much calmer now than he did three years ago in primary six where he was troublesome ane naughty. I wonder what he was doing in the cafe though cause i've never seen him there.

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