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When i showed Alex around my place, he asked all kinda questions and he even brought back memories of when we went to Alton towers as a days trip on the last day of school for he and his classmates. He said he'd teach me how to ride a bike when i told him i couldn't ride a bike. He thinks i have a nice house.

'I like your place, its cosy , he said smiling when i was seeing him out. When he left it was 11.00am , i watched the televison for a while and then went to sleep. When i woke up, it was still bright indication it was still midday, i sorted my planner out for monday, called a few parents whose children have been bad in class, i planted a few flowers in place of the once that unfortunately weathered during winter and by the time all these were done it was 6.00pm and i could finally get ready for Lisa's birthday party.

'Getting ready, i wore a long flowery skirt, a black shirt which made the skirt and top look like a dress and slippers cause this party was on the beach on the edge of chesting ville estate. Mark, Liberty and Jacon where coming too, so when i got out of my front door they were getting in their car. I waved at them and then got in my car. When we got finally made it to the beach it was full of people and i'm gonna say this there was one person i so didn't want to see there. Karl, what on earth was he doing there.

'Happy birthday Lisa, i said hugging her and giving her present to her. All the while i could see Karl looking at me. I don't hate him for what he did do yeah, i shouldn't mind him being here. I greeted everyone else after metting Lisa and then walked to get myself something to drink.

'No hi for me then, i knew who said  it from the moment i heard it. Turning around, there was Karl, looking sexy as always.

'Sorry, hi, i replied smiling. After the break up nine months ago, i didn't talk to him but i got over it, what's the point what will happen has already happened.

'You look beautiful, he said

'Thanks, you aint looking bad yourself, i replied

'See you around then, i continued to say walking over to the others when his new girlfriend came. The party was amazing but i couldn't stop thinking about Karl and staring at him act all sweet and all with soemone else.

'You oaky, Lisa asked after a while

'Yes, i'm good i replied. At times i do feel lonely, you know, everyone i know has a partner even my fourteen year old sister. Ronan has a girlfriend now not that i mind, she's cool and i'm happy for him.

'I'll be right back, i said to Lisa walking away from the party and feeling sad for myself. The place looks amazing, everyone's having a good time even little Jacob. I didn't know someone was behind me, so i was startled when a hand came around my waist.

'Jade, you Okay, Karl's voice asked

'Yes Karl, i'm okay, please get your hands off me, i replied. He did get his hand off me.

'I really miss you, he said. All this time now he tells me he misses me, now that's he's with someone else and i'm just well lost.

'I'm sorry for hurting you, he continued to say when i didn't say anything, i know i've told you thousands of times that i'm sorry and i am

'I know Karl and like i say all the time, i forgive you, i replied turing to look at him. He looked so cute then, i could have kissed him but i didn't. He walked towards me. When he got to where i was he put a hand on my cheek.

'Karl, maybe you should go to your girlfriend, i said taking a step back so his hands fell off my cheek

'I don't want her Jade and you know that, i want you, he replied

'But i don't want you Karl, what we had and i'd be a liar if i say it doesn't pain me to say this its over, i said, now please leave me alone and go to your girl, i added

'I know i screwed up Jade but i'm sorry okay, i don't want to waste four years of being together, please he said looking straight at me.

'Why now Karl, i thought we understood each other, why now, i asked

'Because, he said and stopped not knowing what to say

'Because what, i asked, you're with someone else and well i'm alone and i'm good with it for now, just go to your girlfriend and leave me alone, i continued to say turing back to the water and looking at the waves, the music from the party could be heard and laughter from people could be heard too as i stood there.

'I love you Jade and you know that, i heard Karl's voice say from behind me. I thought he was gone.

'Karl, why are you still here, i asked not turning around. I wondered where his girlfriend was

'Because Jade, i can't go without you telling me why you hate me so and why you don't want to be with me anymore, what happened was a mistake okay, i messed up, i'm sorry

'You don't get it do you Karl, you don't just go cheat on the woman you plan on asking to marry you three times, i said turning around, leave me alone, i said. I don't hate you if you must know, i don't want you anymore cause i just don't, i continued to say fighting the urge to kiss him cause i know if i did, i'd be doing something bad.

'Karl, a voice could be heard call out

'That's your girlfriend calling,i said better go, i continued to say

'This conversation aint finished, he said walking off towards the location the voice came from

'Whatever Karl, i replied as he walked off. What on earth, i thought he was okay when we broke up and now he comes back and tells me these things when he has a girlfriend. He's got some nerves coming here and telling me all this nonesene. All i have to say to that girl of his is poor girl, seriously what kinda man goes behind his girlfriend trying to get back with his ex. I stayed out there for a while and then Lisa came. she scared me though when she touched me.

'Are you okay Jade, she asked concerned

'Yes, i replied as a tear rooled down my cheek

'Oh honey, what's wrong, she asked given me a hug. It's not my cousin is it, she continued to say

'No, i replied to assure her i was okay. Karl's Lisa's cousin that's why he's at the party too

'I know it's cause of him Jade, you don't have to tell me, she said. Lisa's good at that she always knows what up with me when i'm sad or anything like that.

'Come on let's go enjoy the party, she continued to say pullling me along with her to the party. During out the course of the rest of the party i stayed well away from Karl who kept looking at me, even when he was dancing with his girlfriend.

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