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One word for him AMAZING:)

Wow, its been some two weeks, mum let me off being grounded after three days, that was a releive. Easter dinner i had at Sheilla's and then later at mine too. Dad came from abroad and we all celebrated easter. As usual, he brought Robert and i presents from America where he is aminly based now working.

For me a camera which im grateful for cause my old one kinda broke, it fell in water at a party which i went to with friends, dont ask how taht happened cause i aint got a clue myself, i had it taking pictures, the next i knew it, the camera was in the pool. For Robert a new laptop cause his one's playing up.

First was dinner at Sheilla's with her parents and two brothers; one's ten and the otehr eighteen. It was a great dinner, delicious food, everyone beiing friendly and then  after that at night i had diinner again at mine, yeah i forgot Sheilla came too and Robert's girlfriend, I think he's finally got over Jodi, good for him cause Jodie seems to be seriously into Darren, no kidding.

I woke up today, wishing it was still the holidays but it wasn't , school's reopened. I got ready and had to skip breakfast cause i was running lat. We've only got to got to school for this week, thats only year 11's and then we have a month off as our study leave so its not that bad. GCSEs are coming soon, that's why.

Fisrt day from a holiday, there's not a lot to be carried out normally but today for us there was, we were given websites to use to revise, past papers, tests anything that was of use during our revisions for the preparation to taking our GCSE exams. By the time, it was break ive gotten enough reveision packs cause my bag was so full, it aint even funny. We had an assembly too, about revision skills, yeah i know right. I'm really looking forward to my exam, i've got my worries though, like maths, i seriously need to revise if i wanna get thsi right, great huh. i feel the pressure building up now you know, i've got Quite an amount of exam to do too. We were given our timetables today, the onces taht tells us when we have an exams, what time and all, i've got a lot and some of them are so close toghetehr, like i've got six scienece exams to do on the same day continuously, so looking forward to that, not!

I do like science, but come on, not SIX exams in it on a day, wow. With football pratcice and games, hockey practice and games, basketball practice and games, yeap im so in trouble here. I'll just revise as much as i acan and then just do my best when each day comes for each exams.

The day went qucik after the assembly, with us getting more revision packs. I just got home but im off out again with Sheilla and the rest of the gang, might as well enjoy this week and get more serious when the study leave starts.

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