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I woke up this morning at around 9.00am and made some breakfast for Lilly who woke up after me. She sat infront of the televison and ate whiles i took some in for Ryan

Hi, how are you feeling, i said and asked putting the tray down on the bedside cabinet when i got to the room, he was in. He was awake but not looking too good

Hi, he replied sitting up and rubbing his head

'Hangover, i asked sitting on the edge of the bed

'Yeah and a bad one too, he replied, was i that bad last night then, he asked

'Nah not really, i replied, you just started to talk about marriage and stuff, i added

'oh, he replied, i'm so sorry, he added

'No prioblem, i replied, you just have a rest now and eat those i'll be downstairs if you need anything else, i added giving hima kiss on the cheek before standing up and leaving the room

'Nice pajamas, he said as i got to the door. I looked down then and to my relieve found out i had on my trousers and top hello kitty pajamas that Lauren got me for christmas. Don't say i'm childish cause i really really like hello kitty, i've always liked it ever since i was young and still like it, i think Lauren bought me that as i joke but oh well i really do love her my sister so i don't mind really. I love that pajamas, its one of my faviorites at the moment. I was relieved to see i was decent this time not like that day with Alex. Oh God that was embarassing, i literally was showing him everything. Why did i remember that now, i miss him, seeing himtoday even makes me miss him more.

'Thanks, i replied to Ryan's complement of my pajamas. I went to the kitchen where i got myself some breakfast and joined Lilly. After finishing breakfast, i cleaned up our plates and all whiles Lilly went to shower. I hummed to myslef whiles i did the washing up to the song being played from my phone, i had it on loud you know so i could hear it cause i couldn't be bothered to go get my earphones. After a while of me washing up the dishes, i felt hands come around me.

'You sound happy babes, Ryan's voice said from behind me, kissing me on my cheek making me smile

'Yeah, guess so, i replied, you feeling better now, i asked

'Yes thank you, he replied. Where's Lilly by the way, he asked

'Having a shower, i replied. He had his hand around me and we talked whiles i did the washing up, the only time he let go of me was to give Lilly a morning kiss on the cheek when she came from the shower wearing her clothes from yesterday seeing as she has no clothes at mine. After the washing up, i got ready and went over with Ryan and Llilly to theirs so they could get ready for our day out in the afternoon. Lisa called to check up on things before we left. Here's how the conversation went

Me: Hi, Lisa

Lisa: Hi, so how did it go last night then, she said and asked

Me: Good thanks and did you get Emma on time then, i asked

Lisa: Yeah, she was asleep and so was Lauren and Callum, she replied, i think we disturbed their sleep, she replied

Me: Huh, nah Lauren's okay, i texted her earlier and she replied, she had fun lpoking after Emma for you and is looking forward to doing it often, i replied

Lisa: Yeah, she's cool your sister, so what are you up to then, she asked

Me: Getting readyt o go out with Ryan and Lilly

'Lisa: Okay, he's okay this morning right, she asked

Me; Yep and he's sorry for the way hebehaved yesterday, i replied

Lisa: Oh no problem about that, the guys welcome to be sober whenever he likes, she replied, having to scream  for me to hear her cause Emma was crying. I'll talkt to you later Jade, Emma's awake now got to fed her and all, she replied, by the way have fun, she added

Me: You too, i replied before hanging up. Ryan wanted to thank Mark and Liberty for looking after Lilly whiles we were out so we did that before setting off to his with Jacob cause he wanted to come play with Lilly.

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