What's wrong with me?

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I dropped Alex off from the resturant and when i got home, i found out i've forgotten my bag, i had the teddy bear in my hands though. I wouldn't hve bothered about it cause i knew Alex would bring it back in the morning but i had my lesson plan for tomorrow in it. I didn't have to worry though cause Alex was at the door when i opened it. He had the bag ad gave it to me. We talked for a while. Like i aint forgetful not really, i just seem to be like that when i'm with him, i forgot my bag never do i do that.

I don't know what came over me but i kissed him on the cheek, by the time i reliased what i was doing, it was already done. What an impression i've made huh? You know i told Karl i had another man in mind, well its Alex, i know he aint a man, just a boy but spending time with him i've really grown to like hi, not just as friends but more but like ofcourse he wouldn't like me in that way. I'm his year six teacher for the love of God and also the age differnce really, even if i wanted to this aint gonna go down well.

He makes me happy really, he gives me laughter and like i'm i gonna open up my heart to him. Oh God, i'm so confused. I think i'm in love with Alex but how can this be, he's only sixteen Jade and you're like twenty-three, i keep telling myself aint gonna work and what would everyone else think if it turns out he likes me too. I didn't have enouhg sleep last night cause i was deeply in thoughts, when my alarm went i was like already ready.

I got to cafe angels  extra early today and seeing as my lesson plan was already done, i sat down and thought some more waiting for Lisa's arrival. She arrived with Emma. Lisa isn't going to work today well cause she's got a weeks holiday off work.

'Hi you two, i said as she took her seat

'Hi Jade, she replied passing me Emma. Emma's a beauty, with her small hands and cute blue eyes, she's just adorable. She looks like her mum and she's got Jake's hair colour.

'So how was dinner, Lisa asked. She know about it cause she was the one to   tell me to go in the first place when i told her about Alex wanting to take me to dinner.

'Amazing, i replied

'Good and what's this i hear about you've got a new man, she continued to say. I'd have asked who told you this but i knew instantly Karl, of course he'd tell Lisa, they're like the close of friends being cousins. I didn't want to answer, did i want to tell my friend i had  crush on a siteen year old, like what would she think of me.

'Oh tell me who it is she pleaded whiles Emma played around with my stuff  sitting on my lap.

'Its no one, i replied, i just said atht to Karl, you know and like i'd tell you if i had a new man, i added

'I knew you wouldn't do that, like i'd be the first to know, she said. So anyways what's the deal with this boy Alex then, she asked as the waitress brought us our order.

'What do you mean by deal, we're friends, i replied.

'Just friends, she asked blankly

'Yep, Lisa we're just friends, i replied again

'Jae, i know you okay, we've been friends for like since year seven now, you like the bouy don't you, she asked smiling a sign saying your secret's safe with me.

'Maybe i replied and i knew i was blushing then. Did i just tell her that, wow, i've got some confidence i didn't even know i had.

'Wow, she replied. He's handsome, she added. We talked about that for a whilebefore i had to go.

'Don't deny yourselve what you desire Jade cause of silly little facts, she said tome before i left. What she meant by that i'm not sure. All day at work those words were about in my head and i couldn't stop thinking about Alex. By the time, the day came to an end, i've had enough, i texted Alex telling him to come over later and not knowing what i was going to say to the boy.


Jade and Alex, destined to be yoursWhere stories live. Discover now