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We ended up going to the cinema instead of the park ro handg out, which was okay by me.We watched a movie, one suitable for all; something romantic for the ladies and with a bit of action for the boys. After that we went to thebowling alley and bowled for a while, well i woundnt say for a while seeing as we spent an hour and a half there, we made two teams, girls against boys with me,  Mike, Darren, Jaden and in a team and Shiella, Jodie,Annie and Joanna in a team. I never knew Sheilla could throw like that, wow they won us, lets say we suck at bowling me and the boys, we should stick with our football and all right.

By the time we left the bowling alley it was 7.30pm, we went to the games corner next where we all played some games for a while. After a while of being in teh games corner, we finally had enough of teh place and decided to do soem shopping, yeah that wasn't my idea, like no way, guess who's idea it was Jodie of course, who else would it be. You should have seen the amount of shopping bags Jaden had after all the shopping, yeah like i said befor Annie doe like her shopping really. I had a few bags to carry or Sheilla, she does like her shopping and buys whatever that takes her fancy when she goes.

By the time i got home from the city center, it was 9.00pm.

'Hi mum, i said to her who was busy in the kitchen when i got home

'Hi honey, she replied passing me my dinner

'Thanks i said taking the rtray from her and then taking a seat in the dining rrom where i was joined by her a few minutes later

'Any idea where Robert is then, i asked as she took her seat

'Upstairs with Anne-marie, she replied

'Oh, is replieed. Anne-marie is my brother's girlfriend's name by the way

'So how was your day tehn mum, i asked

'Good thak you and yours, she asked

'Okay, i replied. Mum goes to work eatly in the mornings, by the time its time for school, she's already at work, she gets home at 6.00pm most of the time, sometimes earlier and sometimes later. Like i said my parents ran their own business, its adentist business, yeah both my parents are dentists , they decided to form their own business a few years ago, its called teh Cole dentists, they do the same thing as dentists but instead of it being part of the government its a private one, they ahd to get a lincese in order to start it which they did  and now well the Cole dentsits getting bigger with some abroad, being why dad's not home, he's abroad.

Both my parents are into medical stuffs, i'm surprised Robert and i didnt inherit that cause we're both into sports. I'm nearing the end of year eleven now and yeah ive got to decide you know what i want to do and all, I'm not sure yet really

'So exams coming huh mum said as i helped her with the washing up

'Yep, i repleid

'So are you ready, she asked

'Yeahm i replied

'Well good then , she  replied passing me the last plate to rinse

'I know you can do it, she said giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek

'Thanks, i replied

'I'm gonna get soem sleep, night, she said walkign in the direction to her room

'Night, i replied

'Oh Alex by the way your dad wants you to call him, she said turning around to look at me

'Sure, i replied as she turned back and continued to walk to her destination. I walked to my room then to get ready for bed. I saw Robert with Anne-marie probably seeing her off

'Hi Alex, Anne-marie said as i waited for them to pass by so i could pass

'Hi, i replied. Hope you two have been good in that room, i added with a smile, it probabaly was more of a smirk than a smile

'Yes Alex, we've been very good, she replied. The girl's cheeky like that, she's cool Anne-marie and well she and Robert are just a great couple

'You seeing her off then lover boy, i said to Robert

'Yeah and quit calling me that he added punching me on the shoulder

'Well, goodnight teh Anne-marie, i said blowing her a kiss, that gets Robert angry, really i aint after his girl, i've got one of my own

'Seriously Alex, you're trying to steal my girl right in front of me, he said jokingly

'Nah, i wouldn't do that, i replied winking at Anne-marie and getting anothe rpunch on the shoulder from Robert when he passed by ne holding Ane-marie's hand

'Nigth Alex, she said and stop hitting on me, she added jokingly with a smile

'Will do, i replied. Once i got to my room, i got changed for bed and called dad only yo get his answering machine, i left a message so hopefuly he'll call me back. I called Sheilla after that and we talked for a while before hanging up. I heard Robert say goodnight to mum once he got in from seeing Anne-marie off, that sure took him long.

'Goodnight Alex, he called out to me with a tap on my door as hewalked to his room which is across from mine

'Goodnight, i replied. Seriously its only been the first day back and i'm so tired, wow. I guess i've really had a long day today and with all the stress of revision coming my way, yeah well that's about enought to make me tired.

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