Grounded: Alex

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I'm in it bad this morning, i'm so tired from last nights party, i think i got home at like 3.00am this morning. Last night Sheilla arrived an hours time and we went to the party which turned out to be a friend of Sheilla's party, i don't know this girl personally seeing as she's in college not high school. The night started off quite and grew nosier and all as the night progressed.

I don't know where Sheilla was most of the time but oh well, she'd be gone for ages and then appear out of no where after a while. It was a fun night. Mum giving me a long talk this morning you know, its not like i came home drunk or something like i said i don't drink, all i did was come home really late. Yeah you've gueesed it , i'm grounded, just terrific isn't, my hiloday's ruined that's what. She 's the reason why i'm awake right now, what with her opening the curtains and all, i couldnn't sleep after her long talk about taking responsiblity and all.

I got up and got ready and by then it was getting to 12.00 noon, i was looking forward to sleeping till late thisd morning  and like getting  told off for partying till dawn by one parent isn't enough well dad just called and also gave me his talk. I'm grounded for the whole two weeks cause i broke curfew. At sixteen now, i'm supposed to be home at 11.00pm normally but when there's a party it's 12.00pm and yesterday, i over did it. Guess it serves me right huh. I don't know how Sheilla got home last night cause when i left the party she was no where to be found.

And like this friend of hers is weird, she wouldn't leave me alone last night, she nearly kissed me when she was drunk and it wasn't just her, most of the girls did the same, this one girl, i don't even know the girl right came out of no where and hugged me and then fainted in my arms lieterally and when her boyfriwemd came he was just giving me the looks and i was just thinking er don't give me that looks cause i aint done nothing yo her, anyway why would i.

People think i'm that kinda boy, you know sleeping around with any girl i see, not really. i may be Mr. popular at school and also out of school, i may be well or so the girls at school think the cutest boy at school, i may be the captain of three sports and all, i may get kisses from here and there and flirt a  lot with girls but i'm a good boy really, well maybe not entirely good. I'eve got some bad boy in me too, to tell you the i'd say i'm a bad boy but one things for sure, i respect girls and womwn so i don't treat them bad. I value a relationship and if i aint in one then, i just atke whatever comes my way. I'll kiss you and flirt with you but that's  all really, if i go further with you, then guess i really like you. I aint that bad don't worry ladies, i'm a good by i think.

I got myself something to eat for breakfast after getting ready and then just sat around watching the television. Being grounded in this house is torture, really like i aint kidding, break it just little bit and it gets doubled so i'm just gonna get this done and over with, i'm som not gonna like ie though cause Robert who's my younger brotehr is gonna be out muck later compared to me and that is uncool seriously it is.

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