Surprise Kiss...

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Dinner was just amazing, Jade's cool, she's just got it all humour, perfect smile and just well she's lovely. I got to dance with her too, she aint that bad of a dancer as she thinks she is,i'd say she's even better at dancing than me. The waiter just assumed she was my wife or something like that, calling her Mrs.Cole and all, she didn't seem to mind though.

I got her a teddy bear even though at first she didn't want me to get it for her. I wanted her to have something to remember this night, so i bought it for her which she accepted with a smile, that was an angel's smile i'm telling you. She forgot her bag and the waiter brought it to her or to me i should say, i held it for her, you see i'm a gentleman really.

She took me home and when i got to mine, she thanked me and i thanked her too.She forgot her bag with me which i only noticed when igot inside, when i stepped out to give it to her, her car was already gone. I checked  the time and it was 11.00pm and i can't call Johnson at that time so, i took my bike and rode to hers to give it to her cause i'm certain she'll ned it.

I got there in record time like ten minutes, ringing the bell well i didn't get to do that cause she the door opened.

'Alex, i was just, she said and stopped when she saw me holding her bag out for her

'Oh, thanks, she added taking the bag

'Are you very forgetful sometimes, i asked feeling stupid, i keep asking weird questions and i think i offend her.

'No not really, she replied smiling. Its really late now and am gonna get some sleep or else i'll be late for work in the morning she added

'Yeah me too, i replied. I was about to walk away when she stepped forward and kissed me on the cheek.

'Goodnight, she said  walking in

'Night, i replied. It would heva been weird for some people you know, being kissed on the cheek by your year six teacher but for me, i was thrilled really. Me and Jade we go way back, i'll tell you some time but not now.

Jade and Alex, destined to be yoursWhere stories live. Discover now