Easter holiday

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No more getting up early for work for two whole weeks cause we have the easter holidays now. Today's the start of the holiday really and i aint awake yet, well i am but i'm still in bed just chilling. I'm having a double date with me and Ryan and Lisa and Jake tonight. Emma's gonna be with Lauren, she's gonna be babysitting. 

My parents seem happy now to see em with Ryan a man suitable for me they keep saying. Yeah they met him cause i took him round a week ago and i've me his parents too. Oh yeah Lilly's gonna be at Mark's, turns out she's friends with Jacob and their in the same year now. Ryan moved her to the school he teachers in, so he could keep a close eye on her.

When i finally felt like getting out of bed, it was nearly 12.00 noon. I got ready and went shopping for groceries at the local shop. I like using baskets at the shop instead of the trollies, so i got myself a basker when i got there. I walked around with my ear phone in my ear, yeah i listen to music when i'm shopping alone. I really gdo like my music.

After like ten minutes later the basket was full turned out i neede more groceries than i thought so i walked out to go get a trolley when i saw Alex with his brother also getting themseleves a trolley. I was gonna go back in but decided not to. I walked to the place and got the trolley.I don't think he saw me cause both boys were busy looking at something on a phone.

Hi Alex, i said looking at them. He looked up then and so did his brother

'Hi Jade, he replied with a smile

'Hi beautiful, his brother replied getting a pinch from Alex

'Hi Robert, i replied. How are you? I asked

'Good thanks, Alex replied

'That's good to hear, i replied. Nice seeing you again i replied walking back inside the supermarket. When i turned around back to look at them, i saw a girl with her hands around Alex and talking to him, guess we both moved on then i thought going back to my shopping. I think i got too much things, i do that when i'm distracted and distracted i was after seeing Alex and the girl, my mind just went messed up, don't know why though, guess i'm just sad to see him with another girl.

I found out i've over shopped  when i got to my car like the things didn't want to fit in my carm don't worry though i did eventually after a few minutes of struggling. I got home in a few minutes and unpacked, lieterally i had too much stuffs that it didn't even fit in the cardboards. As i was putting the groceries away, the dorr bell went and i wet to go get it.

'Hi Karl, i said opening the door

'Hi Jade, he replied, i hear you got yourself a new man, he said casually

'Yeah, a colleague of mine, i replied closing the door and following him in

'So this guy making you happy then, he asked

'Yeah, i replied and what's with all the questions i asked

'Nothing much, he replied. So he a better kisser than me then, he asked smiling

'I don't know, i replied smiling, glad he wasn't angry

'I'm happy for you and this guy, he's a lucky man, he replied

Oh, i replied

'So what you up to then he asked

'Nothing much i replied, just came from the shops, i added. He helped me unpack the rest of the things before going.  He leaned in and kissed me on the lips whispering

'That's to say i'm sorry for hurting you, friends, he asked after his lips left mine

'Yeah, that i'd like, i replied giving hima hug. After Karl'd gone, i checked out the flowers in the garden and most of them were okay from the winter, i watered them and then planted a few more. I went inside after that, did a few cleaning up, another habit of mine when i'm distracted. Karl doesn't know about Alex and i still, i haven't told him and don't want to cause what's the point, its not like the relationship's still on, it aint, it was over like four months ago. Lets not talk about Alex now cause it just reminds me of earlier on with the girl and that doesn't help.

I went to sleep for like two or so hours after cleaning. The house is sparkling now, from top to buttom, i'm a neat freak if you must know so my house is always clean, it really botheres me when the places is dirty and all, so i clean it everyday before work and after work, i don't mind really.

Its like 6.00pm now so i'm gonna get ready, Ryan's gonna pick me up when he brings Lilly over to Mark's. I got ready in time cause as i got my bag and walked downstairs out of my room, the door bell went. Ryan and i took Liily to Mark'ss and then after we set off to our destination where we met Lisa and Jake. A soon as we got there Jake and Ryan went to get us something to drink and Lisa and i talked when they were getting the drinks, just about stuff really.


The easter holidays here. I woke up today at like 11.00am and got ready cause mum wanted me and Robert to go get some groceries from the local shop. Robert didn;t get up early, he got up and ready an hour later after me. Sheilla wanted to come along with us so she did. Robert and i were getting ourselves a shopping trolley watching this vidoe on my iphone when i herad someone call out my name saying hi, i recognised the voice as soos as i heard it. There in fdront of me looking beautiful was Jade, i haven't seen her in like months and then i see her, i replied back to her and we talked for a while before she walked off to do her shopping.

She saw me with Sheilla and am not ceratain if she was either sad or happy when she turned and saw Sheilla hugging me and telling me something in my ear, she smiledn and then turned back. Well guess, now she knows i've moved on, i don't know if she has too, she didn't tell me. All throughout shopping i was hoping to see her around the shop and talk to her some more. i saw her in the car park after a while, she was trying to fit all the things she'd bought in the car. i wondeed why she'd buy taht much of things if it wouldn't fit in the car. Eventually she got everything in and drove off.

When we got back home Sheilla helped to put everything away and that's when i remmebered we forgot to buy breads, like that's the one hing on the list mum really ewanted us to buy. I forgot things normally, when i'm in deep thought and like that's what i've been ever since coming from the shops where i met Jade. So another trip to the shop was made by me, Sheilla had something to do so she went home and Robert just couldn't be bothered. I got about six breads and then a few things before walking to the checkout point. I was in the line when i saw Liberty, Jade's neighbour. I would,t have seen her if not for Jacob calling me

'Hi Alex, i heard from behind me in the line, turning around i said hi back

'Jacib, oh hi, i said noticing it was him

'Oh Alex, hi, hasn't seen you in a while, Liberty said smiling

'Oh, i've just being busy, i reaplied. We talked for a while and when i paid for my purchase i said to them both before walking off. I'm home now, i know i was looking forward to the holiday now its here right and i've got no idea what to do with it. Robert and i are just chilling, watching videos and just having some brotherly bonding time.  Sheilla and i are going to this party tonight so looking forward to that. Its 7.00pm now and i'm ready in advace waiting for Sheilla to arrive in like an hours time but for the mean time am just gonna sit around for a while.

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