Chapter 25

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~~Rylee's POV~~

  When I looked up at Lia and Beck they where sitting happily together laughing so I looked back down at my book. Thats when I noticed six guys walk up to them and sit down. At first I just thought they where random guys that Beck didnt know, but then they all started talking like they've known each other forever.

I looked over at Chase and saw that he noticed too. I motioned for him to come over to me.

  "Who are they?" He asked me.

"I dont know. They just sat down and now Beck and Lia are acting like they're best friends," I said as I watched one guy punch her in the arm playfully.

  Then thay all laughed and stood up.

"I've never seen them at Beck's house or Rylee's. And wouldnt they tell us if they had new friends?" Chase asked me.

   "I dont know," I said as i stood up.

They stood up too, and they all had their arms around each others shoulders. I saw Lia look over at one of them and they all busted out laughing again. Then she looked at Chase and I but she didnt say anything. She just turned around and kept walking.

  "I tihnk we have something to talk about later, "I told Chase as we walked towards the school.

Lucky for us we dont have second period with Lia or Beck.

 ~~Lia's POV~~

    Lucky for me Beck and the pack had all of our classes together. So in second period we all sat at the big table in the back. The same group of girls walked in and started giggling at the guys.

  "Okay you guys see all those girls over there? Yeah, they are the slut crew. They'll do anything to get you to go out with them. But then they'll dump you and start all over with someone else,"

 I said looking at my Health book.

  They guys looked over there but they had scowls on their faces. I almost wanted to laugh.

"What did they do to you?" Alec asked me.

  "They tried to flirt with Beck this morning. And I've just always hated them since like Freshman year," I explained to them.

 By then the girls had grown tired of staring at the guys and they had focused on talking to among themselves. I rolled my eyes and looked at Beck. He was staring out the window in a trance.

  "Hey. What wrong?" I asked nudging him wiht my elbow.

"Brian needs me for something. But i told him that I can't skip class. So, he's gonna get Hunter to do it," Beck said looking at me.

  "Did he say what he wanted?" I asked him.

"No, he just said he needed me. But dont worry, I'm not going anywhere," He said taking my hand.

  I smiled at him and Mr. Scar walked in to start the lesson.

"Alright class who can tell me what we studied last week?" He asked us comig back to our table.

  "You guys dont worry about our previous lessons, you'll get caught up ecentually," He said then wlaked back up to his desk.

  "Anyone?" He asked again.

"How about you Ms. Collins," Mr. Scar asked Alice.

 I hadnt even realized that she was in here.

  "We studied food poisoning and bacteria on food," She said with her nose in the air like she was the only one who knew the answer.

 "Thats correct. Now copy what I write on the board," Mr. Scar said turning around to write.

Howl like you mean it (The Berlin Wolves series) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now