{2} Suggestion

362 6 0

August 5th, 2012

P.o.V Scott

"Do you want to come to my house today? Melissa works, right?", Alli asked me while we walked over the school's parking lot.
"Yes, if that's okay for Chris."
"I'm sure he wants to see you again, too."
"I'd love to."
"Have you ever gotten a ride on a motorcycle?", I asked her.
"No but I've always wanted to."
"Well, then prepare for your first time!", I said solemnly.
"Gosh, Scott, that sounds so wrong!" Alli laughed.
I laughed, too and handed her my second helmet.

P.o.V Allison

We arrived at my house and went upstairs to my room. I put my bag and my jacket away and told Scott to do the same.
"Soooo, what happened while I was gone?", I asked curiously.
"Well, Stiles and Isaac got themselves girlfriends."
"What are their names?"
"Malia Hale and Lydia Martin."
"Lydia was in my history class. She's very smart."
"Yes, she is. She hasn't got a single friend."
"Lydia was so nice to me today. I don't get why she hasn't got any friends."
"Me neither. I guess she's just really shy."
"She is, indeed. But what about Malia?"
"Oh, she's great. She has a very tough past but she is so strong and Stiles loves her so so much. They're dating for three years by now. You saw them in chemistry."
"Yeah, I did. They did anything but paying attention."
"They really aren't like that. I mean, they do make out constantly but they never do it in class."
"Well, it's kinda hot to do that in public."
"Have you done that?"
"No! What about you?"
He flinched slightly. Is he okay? Did I go too far with my question?
"Well, I almost had my first time a few months ago but we were to nervous. Turns out, we weren't ready. I'm waiting for the one girl I just have to look at to know how much I love her." 
"That's so cute. Do you think you're ready now?"
"Yeah, I guess so...but I don't want to embarrass myself if I ever have a girlfriend..."
"I know what you mean. I actually feel the same way."
We both kept silent for a while.
"Hey, Scott?"
"Um, maybe this is the worst idea I've ever had and it's embarrassing just to ask and I'll probably regret it as soon as I said it and you will say no, but -"
"Alli, you can tell me everything, you know that, right? What is it?"
He touched my arm carefully. I understood why he was being like that. We hadn't seen each other since we were kids.
"Oh god. Would you like to...um...practise?"
"You mean like, friends with benefits?"
"I'm in."
"Yeah. I'm in."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I mean, why not? We're best friends, we've known each other since your birth, we trust each other. So, why not?"
This boy always surprised me. I'd never thought, he'd say yes but I was happy he did.
"But we'll keep this as a secret, tell no one, not even Stiles."
"No, of course not. That's our dirty little secret. Just like Stiles and Malia have their's."
"Would you title it a secret when they tease each other so much in class that they end up fucking in Coach's office?"
"No, not really."
We laughed together. It felt so good to have my best friend around again. I really did miss him.
When he left a few hours later and I walked him home, I got onto my tiptoe and kissed his cheek. He blushed slightly.
"Goodbye, Alli."
"See you tomorrow, Scotty."
It's been eight years and we're still using our old nicknames. Our friendship hasn't changed a bit. I was so happy.

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