{40} Hardest Decision Of Her Life

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October 3rd 2021

P.o.V Malia

"What's wrong, babe? You seem pretty stressed out."
"Remember last night? When I accidentally broke your nose?"
"Vividly. Yeah. Why?"
"Stiles was there. Just seconds before."
"What did he do?"
"He...Theo, you know I love you, right?"
"Oh god. Did you cheat on me?!"
"No! What the fuck?! Of course not!"
"Then, what happened?"
"He said that he loves me and then he ran away. Now he avoids me."
"Well, I do understand him. You are gorgeous and hot and beautiful and cute and funny and a little dirty. And by the way, did I ever tell you how cute your waddling is? My girlfriend, you, Malia Elizabeth Hale, is fucking perfect. If I ever had to let you go, I'd still love you after eight years as well. Stilinski is very relatable."
"I love you so much."
"I know."
He kissed my forehead gently and looked deep into my eyes as if he was searching for my soul inside of them.
"You're not over him, are you?"
I let myself fall forward into his arms and buried my head in the crook of his neck.
"I'll take that as a yes."
"Your not mad at me?"
"No. It is normal not to forget your first love. Malia, I love you more than my own life and if you want him, I'll let you go."
"But, Theo, I don't wanna go. You are my family."
"I'm your boyfriend and the father of your child. Don't fool yourself. Scott, Allison, Lydia and Stiles are your family. They always were. Maybe not by blood but you love them more than anything."
"I'm having our child. I can't leave you. It needs both parents. It needs you."
"Sweetheart, I'll always be part of your life, no matter what. You are the first girl I've truly loved and you and it will always be my family."
I was crying by now.
"No. You want him. I let you go. You deserve to be happy. That's all I've ever wanted."
"I love you."
"I know."
We were silent for a while and I cried on his shoulder.
"Remember the night I kissed you for the first time?"
"Oh, Mal, how could I ever forget?"
I smiled sadly. This moment was such a parallel to that night. I was crying over Stiles and the conflicting feelings for Theo. The latter had won that night and I had never regretted it. I felt guilty because of Stiles. I broke his heart and ran right to the next boy but I never regretted kissing Theo that night. Never.
"I never regretted kissing you that night. Never."
"I'm happy to hear that. I've always thought you were just confused and upset."
"Well, I was but I was also madly in love with you for already a while back then. I wanted it. Not just because I needed a distraction from Stiles. You were never a distraction. You were the one I thought I'd spent the rest of my life with."
"You thought the same thing about him once."
"I did. But we were over and after we had reached closure, at least that's what I thought it was until last night, at the wedding I just let myself fall deeper into our relationship without feeling any guilt. I really thought, I had left the huge chapter 'Stiles' behind."
"I knew you never did. You were still looking at him like that. I saw you guys together. I knew how you looked at him. It never bothered me though. I knew you love me and that was enough for me. If you want to go, you can. I set you free. But if this is the last night I'm holding you as more than just a friend and partner in parenting, give me a memory I can use and hold on to."
I shivered slightly at his last sentence. The smell of arousal hit me. Was it mine or his? I didn't know or care much though as I felt myself getting wet.
"I want you. So bad."
Theo trailed his fingers over my exposed thigh and I started trembling at the sensation of it. I bit my lip and stared into his eyes. It just made everything I was feeling more intense. If we weren't sitting right now, my legs would stop supporting me. He leaned in and started kissing my neck. My head fell against his shoulder and I closed my eyes. He pulled my already soaked panties aside and drew tiny circles around the sensitive area. I started trembling even more when he pushed one finger slowly inside of me. I moaned.
He smirked and added a second finger.
At my words he began curling his fingers and I cried out in pleasure as I came.
Theo lifted me up and I thought he'd carry me to the bedroom to continue there but he pushed my back into the nearest wall. He took my shirt of and pulled my panties down before removing his pants as well. Then he thrusted into me and I moaned loudly. My back crashed into the wall with every powerful thrust. It should have hurt, I guessed but I felt nothing but pleasure. I was so close and felt my orgasm rush over me.
"Oh...my...god!" Stiles had entered the living room without us noticing. Oh god... This is truly the last thing I need right now...
I screamed and used Theo to cover myself.
"There's nothing to hide. I already saw all that...", I heard him whisper to himself and smirked with tears in my eyes. Then he left.
"Mal, you okay?" Theo pulled out of me and sat me down carefully.
"I need a decision from you. Now."
"I know. This is the hardest decision of my life. I love both of you."
"You have to decide. Me or him?"
"Stop. Please."
"I need to know. Now."
"I-I can't..."
As fast as I could I left the room and ran outside.

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