{28} Family

171 3 0

September 1st, 2013

P.o.V Scott

Stiles and I were asleep when my phone rang.
"Hey..." I answered sleepy.
"Scott! Get your ass to the hospital!"
When I heard Chris' voice, I was immediately wide awake.
"I'll be there."
I ran through the room.
"Dude, what are you doin'? It's 3 am."
Stiles was just as sleepy as I had been just seconds ago.
"Alli is back. Do you want to come with me to the hospital?"
He jumped.
"Yes! Yesyesyesyeyes!"
We got dressed and jumped into the jeep. Stiles drove as fast as he could.
"Where is she?" I practically screamed at my Mom who was waiting for us at the entrance of the hospital.
"There was a complication. They're doing an caesarian."
No, this can't be true. Please be okay, please! I had been tense since junior year started but right now I was in panic.
"Honey, go to the waiting room. She's gonna be fine. Promise. You won't lose your second love, too."
Stiles dragged me to the waiting room. I was shaking.
"I can't do this again, Stiles. I can't."
"I know. She's gonna be okay."
"What if she isn't? I can't lose her. I hate sitting here like this. It reminds me too much of..."
"I know. I feel the same way."
He rested his hand on my shoulder and left it there until a nurse came in four hours later.
"Scott McCall?"
I looked up. She was smiling. I sighed relieved. Stiles patted my back and I went after the nurse. I could see how he pulled his phone out of his jeans. He looked at the lockscreen that showed him and Malia, then he slowly opened his texts and started to text her. I heard how his heartbeat increased while doing it.
"Is she okay?"
"Yes. She's awake."
"And our daughter?"
"She's fine."
I entered the room.
Alli sounded weak and tired but she smiled. She held a small bundle in her arms. I kissed both of their foreheads.
"What is her name?"
"I...wanted her name to be... Rose but...you can choose...the second...name if you...want to."
"Beautiful name."
"And the...second?"
I didn't even really have to think about it. I knew what her second name was gonna be.
"Rose...Kira...Argent...I like...it."
"I love you so much..."
"I...love you...too..."
Both of us were crying and just staring down at our daughter. After a while I took Rose and held her in my arms. She was asleep and the cutest thing I had ever seen.
"Hey, little Rose. I'm Daddy. I will always take care of you and protect you at all costs. I love you so much. You are loved. Never forget that. Soon you will get to know your uncle Stiles. You're gonna love him, I promise. It's hard not to love him actually. But, trust me on this, he will drive you insane."
I chuckled a bit.
"He can be really annoying and you will be mad at him at some point but you'll never find a friend like him. He's my best friend. And you will meet you aunt Malia. She is great and she will always make you laugh. Uncle Stiles loves her madly and she is Mommy's best friend and also one of mine. I'm sure you guys will love each other. This -", I pointed at Alli with a loving smile, "-is your Mommy. She is the most beautiful and kindest person I've ever met. She will be the best mother for you just like I'll be the best father. We may be young but we don't love each other or you less because of it. We love you. Don't you ever forget that, honey."
I looked over at Alli. She had tears in her eyes and mouthed an "I love you" to me, I returned the favour immediately. The moment was destroyed seconds later when I heard three people rushing down the corridor. I smelled guilt, joy and sadness before I even identified the three people. Sadness belonged to Stiles, guilt to Malia and joy to Lydia. What the hell had happened? When our friends entered the room, I realised something else. Malia had Theo's smell all over her. Oh no. Hell no. She didn't...
Lydia grabbed Rose from my arm and took her. Stiles and Malia just stared at each other but avoided eye contact. When Stiles and Lydia began arguing who was allowed to hold Rose, I took Malia out of the room full of humans.
"What did you do?"
"What the fuck? Nothing."
"Malia, you smell like guilt."
"Maybe I regret breaking up with Stiles?"
"You smell like sex. And like Theo. You are very lucky that I'm the only person who can smell it on you."
I could barely hide the anger. She broke up with Stiles and fucked Theo just hours later?!
"Scott, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It kind of just happened. I love Stiles. You know I do."
"Just tell me why."
"I like him and he was there. I called him because I didn't want to be alone after I left Stiles' house. We kissed and it was both our choice. He didn't make me do anything. I actually started the kiss. Don't get me wrong, I do feel guilty about it but at the same time, I don't. Please, don't tell Stiles!"
"Mal, I love you, but he will find out anyways and it will hurt him anymore if he has to figure it out on his own."

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