{11} Panic Attack

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January 15th, 2013

P.o.V Scott

Alli and I met at my place. She wanted to talk to me.
"Are you okay? You seem a bit stressed out lately."
"Yeah...I guess..."
"Are you sure? It doesn't look like you're okay."
She took a deep breath.
"Scott, I'm pregnant."
"What?! But we always used protection! You didn't sleep with someone else, did you?" I tried to hide my jealousy but it was pretty hard.
"No! Of course not."
I held back the urge to sigh relieved.
"You remember that one time at school three weeks ago? We completely forgot."
"Shit. What are we going to do?"
"We? Does that mean you support me?"
"Of course. We are young but we can handle this together. You are my best friend and... aw fuck it...I'm in love with you, Allison Argent."
"You...you love me?"
"Yes! Goddammit! I love you!"
"I...I love you, too..."
"Yes, Scott. I love you."
I crashed my lips to her's and we started making out. When we broke apart, we both took the deep breath we didn't know we were holding. Alli was the first to speak.
"I want to keep our baby."
"Okay. We can do this. We'll get through this together, Alli."
She smiled and kissed me again. It was a lot more gentle than the previous one which was full of all the pent up feelings. I had waited for the moment we got together since she arrived here but I never admitted that to anyone. I fell in love with her the second she hugged me in the hall. Not even Stiles knew that but at that moment I knew it. I was madly in love with Allison Argent. That's why I reacted so pissed when Stiles said I needed a girlfriend and Alli would be perfect for me. I knew she was but she deserved so much better than me. I imagined at least a thousand scenarios where we got together and none of them included a pregnancy. When I realised what just happened, I froze in shock and held my breath. I got her pregnant. Holy shit.
"Scott, are you okay?"
I wanted to answer but no words came out of my mouth. I couldn't breathe. Alli looked very worried. My heart was racing.
"Scott! What the hell is wrong with you?"
Her voice was full of fear.
"I...I think I'm having a panic attack..."
Alli pulled out her phone.
"My boyfriend is having a panic attack and I don't know what to do."
She frowned and listened to whatever the person at the end of the line said. I could have listened but my heartbeat and breathing were so loud that I barely heard her voice, not even with my supernatural hearing. I felt like I was gonna faint. Everything became blurry.
"Okay. Thank you very much."
Alli put her phone down and placed her hands on the sides of my face.
"Scott, look at me. Try to slow your breathing."
I tried but there was no way.
"I...can't...", was all I got out. By now I was very close to fainting. I knew it.
"Do you still have you inhaler?"
I looked up at her and raised my eyebrow in question.
"Of course not. You're a werewolf. Oh god. Try to think about something else."
"And what?"
"Think about me. Oh shit. No. Don't think about me. Think about anything that distracts you."
She seemed to think about something.
"Think about Stiles. Or Malia. Think about your best friends. Or your family. I mean...not family. Oh god. I'm just making things worse."
Alli was desperate.
"Scott, just look into my eyes."
Then, all off sudden, she kissed me.
When we broke apart my breathing was back to normal.
"How...how did you do that?"
"Lydia told me once that holding your breath can stop panic attacks."
"That was clever. Thanks."
She smiled. In her eyes were tears.
"I was scared, okay?!"
"Because I love you, idiot."
Suddenly I remembered something and smirked.
"You called me your boyfriend."
"Oh, was I supposed to say "my best friend who I casually fuck like every day, but don't judge us, we know each other since we were born, has a panic attack because I told him I am pregnant with his child" while calling the hospital?" 
"Oh god, please, no."
I got down on my knees in front of my bed and gripped Alli's hands.
"Be my girlfriend?"
Alli jumped down from my bed and we landed on the ground together.

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