{4} Part Of You

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August 21st, 2012

P.o.V Allison

We walked to my room where I had a Couch so Scott didn't have to sleep in the living room.
"Good night, Alli.", he said after he found a comfortable position on my couch.
"Good night, Scott.", I answered, already half asleep.

I woke up early and thought about yesterday. It was weird at first but I liked it. He seemed to like it, too. I didn't know what would happen today and I was really nervous about it but the idea of practising for later with my best friend was actually good. Like Scott said, we've known each other our whole lives and we trusted each other more than anyone.
After a while, I got bored with thinking and decided to wake Scott up. As quiet as possible I climbed out of my bed, went through my room and threw myself on top of Scott. He screamed and wanted to get rid of me so he tickled me but I held his wrists. We both knew he was much stronger than me but he didn't want to hurt me so he didn't use his whole strength. I didn't know how but suddenly he got hold of my wrists and turned us over so I was trapped under him.
"Hey! That's not fair!"
"It's not fair to wake me up like this. On Saturday!"
I tried to free myself but he held me tight. We've been this close many times but it was still weird because we were so much older now. Suddenly I felt something beneath me.
"I don't know if you noticed but a part of you doing something."
His face turned red like a tomato.
"Oh god!"
I felt bad for him but I wasn't able to stop laughing. Scott lifted himself a bit up and I understood immediately. I leaned my head against the wall and tried to stop myself from laughing my ass off. I failed miserably.
"Stop laughing, Alli! That's not funny!"
"Sorry, Scott, but it is."
"Okay okay! I'm sorry. I shouldn't wake you up like this."
"It's okay."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. It's okay."
Scott got up and grabbed my wrists from behind. I was trapped.
"Well, well, I love revenge."
I felt his hot breath on my neck and tried to shift but he was too strong. What is gonna happen? I felt how his lips brushed my neck and shuddered slightly at the contact. He noticed and did it again. I let out a huffed breath.
"You like that?", he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I started shaking which seemed to give him even more confidence. He started kissing and sucking on my neck. I moaned quietly. I felt something hard against my thigh. At least I am not the only one who gets such reactions out of all this. Or he just hasn't recovered yet.
"Sc-ott...I-I need more..."
His right hand let go of my wrists and went further down. He drew circles on my lower stomach and I felt like my legs couldn't hold me much longer.
"Scott! Stop..."
"You don't actually believe you want me to stop."
His voice turned me on even more. The heat between my legs was unbearable. I pressed my thighs together trying to get at least a little bit of friction where I needed it. Scott bit down on my neck and let his hand wander a little further down. He seems to enjoy torturing me like this. I tried to free my hands out of his grip. I was desperate for touch and couldn't do this much longer. Finally he slid his hand under my pajama pants.
"You're so wet." His voice was nothing more but a whisper.
I moaned at the sound of it. Scott's hand didn't move. He just let it rest on top of my panties. Then finally he pulled them aside and rubbed slow, teasing circles around my clit. I moaned loudly. He continued sucking, biting and kissing my neck. I whimpered. When Scott pulled his hands away I let out an frustrated huff. He pulled my pants and panties down to my knees and put his hand torturous slow back to where I needed it most. How long is he going to tease me?
Then without any warning he put two finger into my core. I screamed in pleasure. He began pumping them in and out slowly. I was so close. Scott stopped.
"Don't come just yet."
A whimper escaped my lips. Scott went away from me and I heard him walk through my room while I pressed my forehead into the wall. My wrists hurt from his grip. While he was gone I touched myself. I turned around to face him. His eyes were darker than usual and seemed to have a strange red tone.
"No touching."
I couldn't help but nod.
"Look at me."
I whimpered.
Scott got down to his knees and kissed my core. I shivered. He continued kissing me there and I was shaking from the intensity of it. Then he pushed his tongue inside me and licked furiously. I screamed and knew I couldn't hold on any longer.
"Come for me."
I came, screaming his name. Then I collapsed and fell into his arms. Scott caught me and lifted me up. He carried me to my bed and laid me down gently.
"Are you okay?"

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