{20} Texts and News

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May 18th, 2013

P.o.V Lydia

"So, you told him?"
It has been two months. Why are you asking now?
"Yes. He wants to find our Dad now."
"Why? He hates him."
Tell me something I don't know. If I learned something while spending time with my newly-found brother, then how much he hated our Dad.
"So do I but he wants him to apologize to our Mom's and he needs to do something while Allison is gone..."
"Because otherwise he would lose his mind. Yeah. He told me that he wants to focus on school and Lacrosse while she's gone."
"I don't get it."
"What? He loves her and she is pregnant. He's worried about her and misses her."
Was Stiles always like this? Sometimes he could be stupid.
"No. That's not what I meant. I get that. I meant, I don't understand why you are talking to me. You never did that before so, tell me why."
"Because you're my best friend's sister and my girlfriend's best friend and my brother's girlfriend. Besides, I'm trying to be nice to you. I think you could use some friends, don't you?"
I pulled my phone out of my bag and texted Scott.

Lydia: Thank you 😙.
Scott: For what? 🤔
Lydia: For making Stiles talking to me.
Scott: He did?
Lydia: Yeah! 😍
Scott: No problem, little sister. Love u. 😙
Lydia: Love u 2. 😙

"Texting the boyfriend?"
Stiles laughed at my shocked face. Malia came running towards us and practically screamed her hello before she flew into Stiles' arms and kissed him. I smiled. It was the right decision to ask Scott for only a friendship with Stiles. He loved Malia and she loved him. I would never destroy their luck. Malia's phone made a noise, causing her and Stiles to jump apart.
She looked at it and smiled. Her whole face lighted up so it must have been really good news.
"It's from Al!"
"Tell us what she says."
"Al? Al, as in in Allison?" Scott looked like a little puppy that just got a big praise. I smiled at that. I didn't have feelings for him, of course not, but I understood why Allison fell for him. His puppy eyes were the cutest.
"Yeah, never heard me using that name, McCall?" Malia was for sure the coolest girl I've ever met. If Allison never moved back here, I would have never gotten to know these amazing people. When she was back, I'd thank her for that.
"She misses us."
"How is she? How is our baby? Is she okay? Do I have to worry? Did something happen?"
"Scott, buddy, calm down."
"She had another test yesterday and little one is perfectly fine. Al says, she caught a little cold but she's okay. And, last but not least-", Malia looked at Scott, "- she loves you and can't wait to see you in summer."
Scott let out a big sigh of relief.
"What am I supposed to reply?"
"Tell her that I love her and that I'm going insane without her by my side."
That is true love.
"Tell her to take care of my little niece or I'll kill her. Seriously."
"Tell her to call me because I have all of the stuff we did at school for the last few weeks."

Malia: Hello, Al. 🤗
Glad to hear from you in such a long time. We all miss you too. Scott looks like a lost puppy since you're gone but don't tell him I said that. Our friends want me to tell you a few things. Lydia has all you need to catch up on school and you're supposed to call her. Well, I wouldn't do it, I mean, when do you get the chance to be four months out of school 😉? But I'm pretty sure it's her way of saying that she misses you and wants to talk to you, so call her asap, okay? Scott, big surprise, loves you. He freaked out when I said that I received a text from you 😂. Anyways, he neither can wait to see you in two months. And take care of Stiles' little niece or he'll kill you and he's serious. I miss you and school is even more boring without you. Tell little one to hurry because we need you back in Beacon Hills.
Love you.
Mal, Scotty, Stiles and Lyds. 😘❤✌🏻😚

Allison: Hey, guys. 🤗❤
Glad to hear from you, too. I promise to tell my little darling to hurry up, can't wait to see you guys again. Maybe it will make you happy to hear that I'm incredibly bored here. Dad does his best to cheer me up and entertain me but, well, I can't do anything except watching TV, walking around the house and thinking about all of you. I really wish you could be here with me or I could be with you guys in Beacon Hills. Yes, Mal, I'd prefer to be at school right now 😱.
Lydia, please call me on my phone when you get home. I need to talk to someone. Otherwise I'll literally die of boredom and I need to catch up on school as well. I want to pass, after all 🤔.
Stiles, I'm taking care of her, trust me. Always will. She's not just you little niece but my daughter ✌🏻.
And Scott, my darling, I love you so much and words can't even describe how much I miss you and wish that you were by my side right now. I'm really looking forward to seeing you again in a bit more than a month. Stay strong, will you? Take care of our friends. They need you. I need you ❤❤😘.
Hoping that everyone is fine,
Allison ❤

"Look, she created a group chat." Malia held her phone up.
"We need a proper name.", I said.
"That's a good name, Stiles."
"You have an obsession with werewolves, don't you?"

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