{23} A New Friend

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August 20th, 2013

P.o.V Malia

I went to the school's gym because I knew that the person I was looking for would be there. I had to talk to him. He was taking of his shirt when he saw me.
"Theo, get dressed. I'm not interested."
"Oh yes you are, sweetheart."
"Don't call me sweetheart. In case you didn't notice, I have a boyfriend and I love him."
"Sure about that? I can see the way you look at me."
I rolled my eyes. Family trait, I guessed.
"What the hell do you want?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"Would I ask if it was obvious?"
I started getting really annoyed with this guy. Every single day he stared at me and Stiles was completely freaking out. I didn't even know which went on my nerves more.
"You. Malia, come on. It wouldn't be the end of the world if you date me. I'm a good guy and I like you."
Date Theo Raeken?! Seriously? Boy, are you thinking straight? I just told you I'm not interested. The one I love is Stiles and will always be Stiles.
"Well, I want Stiles and he doesn't like you so I don't like you either."
Easy as that. Stiles was my boyfriend since 8th grade. I wouldn't risk that because of a guy who flirted with me but to be honest, I liked the attention Theo was giving to me.
"He always spends time with Lydia. Aren't you jealous?"
Yes, Stiles and her do spent a lot time together but they are friends so it is normal. And Scott hasn't been the best friend Stiles deserves in a while. So why should I be jealous? My boyfriend didn't have very many friends but he had Scott, Lyds, Al and me. So why not spending time with them? And the amount of time he spent with Lydia wasn't even close to alarming. They talk at school. That's all. So why being jealous, Theo?
"I'm not jealous. Lydia and him are good friends and she's my friend, too. She is the sister of his best friend for god's sake!"
"You're not? We both know that he's falling in love with her."
How dare he say that?! I knew Stiles better than everyone else and I could always smell his emotions and hear his heartbeat. If he fell for someone, I'd be the first person to know. I slowly began switching from annoyed to angry.
"No! He isn't! Stop it!"
"Stop what?"
"Talking about my relationship like you know everything about it! Stiles is the most loyal boy on this planet, okay? He's perfect and you don't know anything about him or about me!"
"I'm just trying to help you. I've been watching you and you look sadder with every day that passes. Stiles is always talking to Lydia, Scott is just sitting in the corner and looks sad. You seem to need a friend and I could be one. A very good one. I wouldn't let you down. Ever."
He was kinda right. Scott was depressed ever since Al was gone, my former best friend was dead, my new best friend and I could only text, Stiles was helping Lydia to get more confidence and friends and Isaac was somehow always busy. Well, he was a senior but I thought he was my best friend.
"Just friends. I love Stiles."
"Just friends. You love Stiles. I've been listening."
Thank you! I gave him a small smile before leaving the room.

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