{26} Tension

171 3 0

August 31st, 2013

P.o.V Malia

I ran home crying. When I got there, I sat down on the ground and rested against the wall. After a while I got up.
"Th-Theo?" I asked into the phone. I was still crying.
"Malia, what's wrong? What happened? Are you okay?"
"No...not really..."
"Malia, what happened?!"
"I...I broke up with Stiles..."
"You don't seem happy about it."
"I'm not."
It was the worst decision I'd ever made but it was necessary right now. But that didn't make my heart break any less.
"Why did you do it?"
"He doesn't notice me anymore and he's in love with Lydia."
"I told you so."
Why did I call him in the first place? I rolled my swollen and red eyes.
"Sorry. But I really did tell you."
"I know. I should have believed you."
"There would be less problems in this world if everyone would just listen to me."
I laughed quietly.
"Oh, there was the laugh. Why did you call me anyways? You didn't just want to tell me about the break up, did you?"
"I don't want to be alone right now."
"Why don't you call one of your girls?"
"One is in San Francisco, one is dead and my boyfriend...ex...is in love with the third one."
"I'll be there in ten minutes."
"Thank you."
"Whenever you need me, sweetheart."
"Stop calling me sweetheart!"
"Sorry. But you're cute when you're annoyed."
And with that, he just hung up.
Ten minutes later the doorbell rang. This boy was always on point. I opened and hugged him immediately. I just needed someone to hold on to. Sure, I could have called Scott but he was probably with a heartbroken Stiles right now. 
"Woah...I didn't know that you like hugs."
"Shut up and hold me."
I felt him nodding and buried my face on his shoulder. We stayed that way for a long time. Then he forced me to look at him. I cried again.
"Are you okay?"
"Should I stay here?"
I nodded.
"He promised to never leave me behind and that's exactly what he did in the last few weeks."
"I thought you promised him not to leave without him. You just broke that promise."
I sobbed at that and Theo caressed my hair. We stayed like that for a few minutes, then I looked back up. Theo wiped away my tears. It was such a gentle and sweet gesture that my heart started beating faster. I looked into his eyes and I felt the tension rising. I knew that feeling, I had it with Stiles so many times. It was the little feeling right before a kiss. Theo stared into my eyes and it felt like he could see right into my soul. Should we...?

P.o.V Theo

I kept staring at Malia. Does she feel the tension rising, too? Probably. It looked like she thought it would destroy this moment of she blinked. Maybe she just wanted to do a staring contest. This girl wasn't easy to read. I knew what I wanted but I didn't want to spoil anything. Malia found her way into my heart and in this moment I knew exactly how deep in love I was with her. I lowered my head and kept looking in her eyes. This was supposed to be really slow. I was scared to make a mistake. Malia just broke up with her boyfriend and was clearly still in love with him and upset. I wanted her since I saw her for the first time but she wouldn't get to use me to get over her break up with Stiles. She pulled me closer and suddenly we kissed. It was clear that both of us were experienced kissers. A shiver ran through my body. Malia pulled at my hair and tried to get even closer. She bit on my bottom lip and I let her deepen the kiss. I lifted her up and pressed her against the wall of the hallway. She bit my neck and I moaned. Hell, how could I forget how experienced she was?! I was so surprised that we fell down. She laughed and kissed me again. Soon we were making out on the floor. I pulled away.
"Malia! Hey, Malia!"
"What does this mean? What are we?"
"Whatever you want it to be."
I kissed her and soon we were rolling over the floor and making out again.

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