{38} Talk

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October 3rd, 2021

P.o.V Scott

"Buddy, we need to talk.", I said after breakfast. Stiles raised his eyebrows in confusion.
We went outside for a walk.
"What is it?"
"You told Malia last night you still love her."
"Stupid supernatural hearing."
"That's not it. She came to Alli and me at like 4 am and cried. Dude, she is miserable."
"Oh god, what did I do?"
"Good question. She is pregnant by Theo and she loves him. You destroyed the little world she built herself over the last four years thinking you guys reached closure after my wedding."
"Are you angry at me?"
"No. She is my best friend too and she is broken. Did it ever cross your mind that she might feel guilty for breaking your heart all those years ago?"
"Of course not. She broke up with me and had a new boyfriend an hour later. Doesn't sound like someone who would regret it or feel guilty."
"She loved you but she fell for Theo. He was there for her when you weren't. You can't blame her. Especially if it's so long ago. Plus you can't just tell your ex that you love her after eight years. You have a boyfriend! If he finds out that you still love his little sister... Derek has always been against your relationship. Do I have to remind you that you were scared of him? And it was for a reason!"
"Derek knows. He knows I still love her but he doesn't care as long as I stay loyal."
"Do you consider telling someone else you love them as being loyal to your boyfriend?"
"Since when do you know about relationships and break ups and feelings? You married your second girlfriend! You never had a break up! You never had to lock feelings away so that they don't kill you! You never had to deny how much you love someone because that person doesn't want you! You have no idea how I feel!"
"Trust me, I know how you feel. I had something worse than a break up. Kira died in my arms nine and a half years ago. I had to lock those feelings away because they were killing me and after you saved me from suicide I swore to god to never do that to you again. I denied my feelings for Alli all those months when we were friends with benefits and it was so hard."
"That's different. She wanted you as well. I lost Malia forever!"
"It's not! I had no idea that Alli would ever want me as more than just a friend. And have you ever thought about that Malia could still want you?"
Stiles sat down on the ground. He shook his head. Tears were shining in his eyes.
"I'm not an expert for feelings. Especially not for my own but I know I love Alli more than anything and I know that I love you. And Lydia. And Malia. You are my best friend. Stiles, you are my brother and I need you."
"You are quoting me."
We both had tears in our eyes at the memory. Stiles had told me the same when he pulled the flare out of my hand in the worst night of my whole life.
"I need you. And you haven't been yourself for eight years. Your other half is missing. You can't move on but neither can she. We talked last night. She is devastated."
"Why would she be devastated?"
"Because she still loves you but she can't leave Theo because she loves him as well and she is having his child. Malia has no idea what to do."
"She...loves me?!"
"Yes! That's what I'm trying to tell you. She never got over you but she can't leave her family."

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