{44} Second First Kiss

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P.o.V. Malia

I wiped away the tears and returned to Stiles.
"Sorry for just running away. I got called because of Izzy."
"Oh. Right. We haven't talk in months. Izzy's my daughter."
"Ooooh! I totally forgot what her name was. She was born in January, right? Sorry I didn't call."
"You didn't have to. It's not like we are friends or anything."
He turned around and I smelled sadness. Why do I always have to be so blunt?! I grabbed his wrist.
"What? You don't wanna talk and that's fine. But I don't have to deal with your shit anymore, Malia. You chose Theo."
"Don't, what?"
"Don't leave. Please."
"Why should I listen? You didn't either when I begged you to stay."
"Fuck you."
"Can't deal with the truth? Not my problem. I feel sorry for Theo."
"Since when do you hate me so much? Why? I know I hurt you but right now, you are hurting me! Is this supposed to be payback? I thought you had matured more."
"I hate you for making me fall for you but I hate me for not hating you after everything you've put me through. You broke me, Malia Hale. And I can't help but love you even though I try not to. I tried so hard to move on but I can't. I still love you and I wish I didn't."
I had tears in my eyes.
"I can't move on either."
"What the hell are you talking about? You have a child and you'll probably gonna get married next. Don't you dare telling me you can't move on."
"You don't even know?"
"Know what?"
"Theo broke up with me. I destroyed my relationship. He couldn't take it anymore. He left me. I destroyed my luck and the final chance of having a healthy family because I can't let go of you. Don't you get it?! I love you!"
Stiles was shocked. I decided to keep talking.
"Always have, always will. I love you. Malia Hale loves Stiles Stilinski. I-"
I was interrupted by his lips crashing on mine. I melted into this long overdue kiss. It was passionate, yes. But it didn't make me ache for more like it usually would. It felt like I didn't breathe all these years without him but now I could again. Kissing Stiles felt so good and overwhelming that I couldn't stop and I didn't plan on stopping. Ever. I felt like if I stopped everything was gone. This moment - gone. Forever. Like a dream. We broke apart for air. Stiles was the first to speak.
"I missed you so much."
"It was the most stupid decision of my whole life - breaking up with you."
We kissed again and again and again, only parting for air and whispering 'I love you's. I had him back. Finally. I had the love of my life back.

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