{43} Painful Call

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P.o.V Scott

"Are you ready, little sister?"
"Born ready. I was made for him."
"You know, I have to ask you this."
"Of course I know. You can't lose this, can you?"
Lydia pointed at the medal around my neck that read "best brother in the world" and laughed. I lowered my head to give her a quick kiss on the cheek, trying not to ruin any makeup. She looked truly gorgeous. My sister was getting married today! She would really do this and I wouldn't leave her side for a second. I was supposed to walk her down the aisle with Aiden and Ethan, Aiden's twin, waiting for us. Lydia had refused to get married anywhere other than Beacon Hills. It felt good to be back here after such a long time away from the town I was born in. Alli stormed into the room. Her cheeks where red from the running and matched her dress perfectly.
"Don't start drooling, Scotty.", I heard Lydia whisper and chuckled.
"Alright. I have the flowers, I gave Malia the rings, I guess everything's ready."
"Great, Allison."
Lydia smiled at her gorgeous bridesmaid. The music started playing. Alli gave Lydia's hand a little squeeze and kissed my cheek before leaving to walk down the aisle. I could smell how nervous my sister was.
"It's okay, Lyds. I was nervous too."
She smiled gratefully and took my arm.
"Hold me."
"Don't you let me trip."
One last smile and we left. When Aiden saw her, tears of joy were streaming down his and her face but they smiled at each other widely. I was so happy delivering Lydia to the one she loved. When we arrived right in front if Alli and the twins, I gently placed Lydia's hand into Aiden's. My cute sister was crying the whole damn time...just like I did at my wedding five years ago. I smiled at her one last time before everything officially began, then I sat down between Stiles and Malia to take away awkward vibes. They still hadn't talked about that night at our house. I didn't even have a clue if Stiles knew about her and Theo breaking up three months ago.
Later Alli and me were sitting in my old room because my Mom let us stay there with our daughters. We just cuddled in silence. Suddenly Alli's phone broke the silence with loud beeping. Malia was calling her. When Alli took the call, I listened to it.
"Stiles wants to dance with me!"
"Well, then, dance...?"
"No! I can't!"
"Because then I had to talk to him!"
"That's exactly why you should do it. You haven't talked to him properly for five years and you guys need to sort things out. You took away your daughter's opportunity of growing up with both parents at a time and you won't make that decision an idiotic one just because you are scared."
"Theo was the one who broke up!"
"Yeah but you pushed him to do it."
"I didn't!"
"You did. You were just scared to leave and he took all of your shit knowing that you are in love with someone else until he couldn't take it anymore. Sounds familiar? That's exactly what happened with Stiles all those years ago. Did you regret what you had done? Yes."
"Allison, stop! Please!"
"Look, I'm sorry, but it's just true. I didn't mean to make you cry but, seriously, Malia, you have to talk to him. Now."

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