{16} Dinner

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January 18th, 2013

P.o.V Stiles

We all sat down at the table. These dinners were always the same: Lydia did barely talk, Isaac could neither stop looking at her nor keeping his hands off of her, Dad was desperately trying to get everyone to talk and I just sat there awkwardly and had no idea what to do or where to look. But this time it was completely different. Lydia actually reacted to my attempts of starting a conversation and for the first time I acknowledged Malia's and her friendship. The girl with the glasses wasn't just the nerdy genius, she was actually really funny and nice. I was very confused but I liked this Lydia. After the dinner I went upstairs to my room with the girls and we started to talk about our best friends, who finally got together a few days ago.
"How did they get together anyways? Allison is too busy with making out right now and doesn't tell me anything but about how amazing their sex is."
"Ugh, I didn't need to know that much about my best friend in bed, thanks Lydia."
She turned slightly red and Malia laughed.
"I'm sure Scott is amazing at what he's doing." Malia earned a glare from me at that. She just giggled.
"How long have they been fucking now? Four months?"
"Five.", I said but I didn't even want to think about my best friends like that. Malia seemed to notice and returned to our previous topic and Lydia's question.
"She didn't tell you about the pregnancy?"
"Of course she did but I still don't get it. If I told Isaac I was pregnant he would break up with me."
"Then he's an asshole. But I know my brother. He would do anything to help you. Just like Scott."
Weird. It seemed like Lydia didn't even know her own boyfriend of nearly one year.
"I would kill him if he did that. He is my best friend but if he hurts my other best friend, I would kill him."
"I'm your...best friend...?"
"You didn't know that? We spent so much time together because of Al. Especially since she's busy making out and more with Scott."
Lydia, who was blushing like crazy by now, overheard the last part.
"I never had friends until Allison came here."
"Why?" She was so nice. Why did I never notice before...?
"Because I'm too shy. I just watched other people. Especially you and Scott."
"Well, that's not creepy at all."
"I was jealous of your friendship. I always wanted something like that."
"Why did you never talk to us then? We don't bite. It's not like we are werewolves."
"Werewolves? Seriously, Stiles?" Malia rolled her eyes and looked adorable as always by doing it.
"Why not? They are cool." Another cute eyeroll. I knew exactly why I was doing this even though it put Scott's secret at a risk.
"I'm really sorry for having to tell you this but they don't exist."
Always clever, my girl, I thought. She just went with my joke.
Lydia grinned before answering my question.
"I'm more like the quiet girl watching from afar..."
"Hey, Lydia, I remember that you weren't this quiet until we were in second grade. What happened?", Malia asked suddenly sounding worried instead of her usual sarcastic self.
"Around that time we found out that my asshole of a father was actually married and had a son at my age. I know that his wife found out shortly after and they got divorced. I still don't know who the other child is."
"Do you want to know who it is?"
"It's in the past and I have no idea if they're even still in Beacon Hills."
My eyes widened as I came to a sudden conclusion.
"Lydia, they are still here. And you do know them."
"How do you know that, detective Stiles?", Malia asked amused.
"I know someone whose parents got divorced ten years ago because the father cheated on the mother for six years."

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