{21} Confrontation

140 4 0

June 13th, 2013

P.o.V Scott

"Are you ready?"
"Not really. Are you?"
"No. But we have to do this."
Lydia and I were sitting in the car outside the house of our father. After all this time we finally found him.
She sighed and nodded.
"Okay...let's do this."
We got out of the car and I took her hand. It had become a normal gesture of support for us.
He opened after one ring.
"Scott? Lydia?"
"Hello, Dad."
"What are you doing here?"
"Natalie and Mom don't know that we are here. They don't even know that we are both your kids."
He looked shocked at us.
"How do you know that?"
"Always smart. He would do great as an Agent."
"Don't try changing the subject." Lydia's hand in mine was shaking while she spoke.
"You have to apologize to Mom and Natalie. They deserve to know."
"Why didn't you tell them?"
"Because you should do that. So come with us back to Beacon Hills."
"Why are you holding hands? Relationships between siblings are illegal."
"You're changing topics. Again." She was shaking but her voice was steady. I was proud of her. The quiet, shy girl was actually overcoming her fears and talked to the reason of her broken self and non-existent confidence. Her heart was pounding ever since we arrived and it felt like a heavy bass in a crowded club shutting out everything else. It was so loud, I could barely hear what my asshole of a father said.
"We're siblings. We can hold hands to support each other and by the way, I have a girlfriend. Now shut up and get into the car."
Lydia fastened her grip around my hand. She was nervous and angry. I could smell it on her.
"Calm down, Lyds. Everything will be okay. I promise.", I whispered in her ear.
To my surprise he did what I said and got in the back of Lydia's car. The ride back home was quiet. Except for the loud pounding of Lyds' heart.
"Rafael? I thought I told you, I don't want to see you ever again.", Mom said when we entered the house.
"I wanted to apologize."
"You cheated on me for six years. I won't forgive you."
Neither of them were lying. Their heartbeats were fast but steady.
"I know. But I hurt another woman, too. When you were pregnant with Scott, I slept with another woman because I was drunk and I got her pregnant. She didn't know for six years that I was married but I felt so bad for what I've done so I raised the child with her. I was a good father for you, right, Lydia?"
She nodded but wasn't able to look him in the eye. He really did break her when the truth came out. I remembered the old Lydia. Smart but with an open personality. Now she had trust issues and could barely talk to anyone except Alli, Stiles, Mal and me.
"But you were a terrible father for me."
"I know. And I'm sorry, Scott."
"I won't forgive you either. But appreciate that you tried. I'll be a better father than you were."
"A bit soon to say that, don't you think?"
"No. Just three more months to go."
"Scott? Are you kidding? Please tell me you're kidding."
"He isn't.", Mom said.
"I don't believe it! You made a big mistake, young man."
"Don't you tell me about mistakes! You fucked Natalie when you were drunk and she got pregnant. I know, I made a mistake but I love her and our daughter. She is my girlfriend and I will do anything to support her."
"Who is she? How old is she?"
"Allison Argent. If you paid any attention to my childhood, you know that she was my best friend."
"Of course I know her."
"We are both sixteen and we are aware of our responsibility. We'll do this together and I'll marry her as soon as possible after school so our daughter has both parents. Because I can be responsible for the mistakes I made. Something you'll never be."
All eyes were on me. Everything I just said, I meant it. I would marry Alli when we were old enough and I would always be there for her and our baby. I promised it to her and I would never break that promise. She saved my life, after all.

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