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"They arrested him." Beyoncé mumbled. She watched the video on the new iPhone 8 she had just bought. There was a video of him in handcuffs being taken into the hospital. He was limping and bruised up with a bandage on his neck.

He looked beat up, but Beyoncé couldn't stop watching the video. She missed him so much. Beyond words.

She read news outlets and they were all wondering where she was. She also read that Jay was arrested in Atlanta.

Beyoncé left him in Mississippi, she wondered how he got all the way back to Atlanta and why.

She locked her phone and sighed, thinking of a way to get back to him.

"I have to go back. I just have to go back." Beyoncé mumbled over and over again under her breath.

Jay stared at the ceiling of the hospital room. They had him handcuffed to the bed, but he had to go to the bathroom.

He repeatedly pressed the call button and began to get aggravated.

"Mr. Carter." He heard and looked up at the detective.

"Can you call the nurse, please? I have to use the bathroom." Jay said politely. He didn't feel like being questioned again.

The man chuckled and ignored his request before questioning him. "Where's your wife?"

Jay gave him a straight face. "Bro, why are you even asking me that? You already know I'm not going to tell you, right?"

"You know we're going to find her though, right?" The detective said matter of factly. "And when we do she's going to get severe consequences for fleeing."

It was quiet for a moment and then Jay busted out laughing. He knew that there was no way in hell they'd ever find Beyoncé. And even if they did, they couldn't touch her because she was free.

"What's funny, mr. Carter?"

"You are, man."

"Listen..." the guy brought the chair closer to Jay's bedside. "If you tell us where your wife is your sentence is guaranteed to be cut in half. If you at least give us a valid hint, I'll still get your sentenced reduced by 25%. How does that sound?"

He thought about it for a second. "Aight, bruh. Sounds good. I'll tell you. I'll tell you where she is."

The detective smiled. "See? I knew we'd get along."

Jay chuckled. "My wife... is..." he took a dramatic pause.

"Spit it out."

"She's... she's..." Jay paused to contain his laughter. "She's in her skin, my dude."

The detective rolled his eyes and slapped his hand down before getting up. "You're going to regret this shit. I swear you are."

Jay chuckled and watched him storm out of his room with an attitude. "Wait! Nigga, I still gotta piss!" He yelled after him.

'Miss you' by Aaliyah played through the speakers of Beyoncé's phone.

She just got done scrolling through her photos and videos just to see him and hear his voice and now she was listening to sad music to put the icing on the cake.

Beyoncé recalled her mother telling her to stop doing that when she was in high school, but it was a habit. Every time Beyoncé is sad, she helps by listening to sad music. No one knows how it helps, but it does.

It hadn't been long at all, that's the crazy thing. It had been a total of 4 days and she was already miserable.

"What am I gonna do? Said I been needing you, wanting you." She sang along.

Her music stopped and her phone began to ring with a FaceTime call.

She answered and waited for it to connect.

"What you up to, girl?" Rihanna asked Beyoncé through the phone.

Bey sighed and looked at the phone. "Trying to find a way to get back to my man. He needs me."

"How the hell you going to do that? Getting there is easy, but how you going to get him?"

"I don't know." Bey sighed again. "He has always been the brains and the one to come up with the plans. I have no idea what I'm going to do."

Beyoncé made sure not to reveal too much to Rihanna. She just gave her a quick rundown of the situation and that was it.

"Well, I hope you can figure something out. I'm skeptical about you going back to America so soon. I don't want anything bad to happen."

"Me either, but I know I have to do it."

"How'd that appointment go?" Rihanna asked changing the subject.

"Oh, it went fine and Guess what!"


"I'm having twins!"

"Oh wow! That's crazy! Congratulations, Mama!"

"Thank you."

"And as long as we're cool, I wouldn't mind helping you out with the babies. I can only imagine how hard it'll be to take on two babies by yourself. And if there's anything you ever need, like you craving something but don't have the energy to get it, I got you. Just call me."

"Aww, that's sweet! I really appreciate that."

The two women wrapped up their FaceTime call and Beyoncé actually felt slightly better, Rihanna had a way with doing that...

That was until her music resumed and she was back to missing on her husband and family.

She wished there was a way to contact her mother and sisters.

That's when she got a great idea. She went to find a piece of paper and a pen and began to write them.

"Kelly?" Jay asked confused as he woke up from his sleep. She was dressed like a nurse, but he knew for a fact that she didn't work here.

"Please Shut up and listen carefully. There's a car parked on the back street behind this hospital. It's a Black Lexus LS 250. License plate 2DD3464. These are the keys. Go find your way back to my sister. I love you."

Kelly gave Jay a hug before cutting the handcuffs off of the bed. She went to the closet and pulled out some 'doctor clothes.'

"Why you doing this, Kelly?"

"Because I love you and I love my sister even more. I know her. She's miserable right now. Once I heard you two split up and you got caught, I knew I had to help. Don't ask how because I can't tell you. I don't know where Beyoncé is, but I know you do. I'm not even asking you to tell me where she is, truthfully I don't want to know, all I ask is that you have her call me when you meet back up with her. You have to go now, Jay!"

They embraced in a hug and Jay thanked her before changing his clothes and slipping out of the hospital unnoticed.

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