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Jay had to think of a plan and fast. As he walked casually to the car Kelly stashed for him, he became skeptical.

What if this has a tracker in it? Or what if this is a trap just to get to Bey? Or what if Kelly was just plotting this whole time?

He shook those thoughts and started to get in the car. When he got in, he found a flip phone, some food, and juice. There was even some money.

Jay didn't have a dime right now because the police took it all when they arrested him.

They took his bag, his passport, his keys, everything.

He picked up the bag of ranch dipped hot wing Doritos and started eating them. These were his all time favorites and he was so grateful that Kelly remembered that.

Jay was definitely starving and this was well needed.

Kelly also made him 2 turkey sandwiches and left him some vitamin water.

"The best little sister ever!" Jay smiled as he ate the food.

He had no idea how this was going to work right now.

There was another passport of his in his home, but it uses his real name and not a fake one. He also has the number for all of his people at home. They'd be the ones to help him disappear.

It won't be long before the police come looking so he quickly started the car and made his way to their home.

When he got there, he found the spare key that was hidden under the rock and went in.

Everything was the same which was a good sign. He ran up to his office to get the phone numbers and his passport. He even collected more money and packed another bag. After grabbing a water bottle he was on his way back out of the house.

He dialed Philip's number. He was one of their pilots and helpers.

"Yo, yo, yo."

"That's really how you answer the phone?" He laughed. "It's jay. I need a ride, my g. You got me?"

"Atl to where?" Phillip asked curiously.

"Sao Tomé. It's a long flight, but I'll pay you double if can go tonight or early morning."

"I got you. I need a few hours to prepare, we may as well go in the morning."


Jay decided to stay at home for the night. Lord knows how much he missed their bed.

He went back into the house and got in the bed. It has been a while since he got some good rest.

He could still smell Beyoncé's scent and it made him happy.

He contemplated packing up some of the pictures they had and bringing them to their new house. He'd do that in the morning, he thought to himself. He was entirely too comfortable to get out of bed right now or ever.

But Beyoncé would be the one to motivate him to get out of it.

Jay couldn't wait to see his woman so he got comfortable cuddling a pillow and fell asleep in no time.

The next morning he woke up extra happy.

"Going to see my girl... she is my world... and when she do that twirl... it makes my toes curl. DAMNN!" Jay rapped to himself as he got dressed.

Although he wasn't going to see her any time soon because of the long ass flight, he definitely was excited anyway.

He missed her deeply and just the thought of reuniting with her was enough to keep him smiling.

Phillip texted him and let him know that the plane was ready.

Jay said a prayer before leaving the house and hoping to remain unnoticed.

He got in the Lexus and drove to meet up with Phillip.

"What's up, man." He greeted him with a handshake.

"Nothing much. You all set?"

"Yeah, lets do it. And man I really appreciate this. It means a lot."

"No problem, bro. If you could fly a plane I'm sure you'd do it for me too." Phillip said making Jay laugh.

"Of course, my g."

Jay climbed the stairs to get on the plane and tossed his bag down. What is there to do on a damn plane for this long? Who knows, but he was about to deal with it because at the end of this flight he'd be a free man living a normal life with his family.

Beyoncé had a bag packed and everything. She was extremely serious about going back to get her husband. If she didn't do it, who the hell would?

It would be petty of her not to look out for him. He always looked out for her and now it was her turn to do the same for him.

She decided to travel light because she didn't know what could happen. She didn't plan on staying long anyway.

Create a diversion, get Jay, and get out. A simple plan.

All she had to do now was contact one of their pilots and get flown back to the states.

She flipped through the numbers Jay had written down and called Marcus, the same pilot that flew her here initially.


"Hey, Marcus. It's Bey. Can you fly me back to Atlanta? I have the money for you. I'll even pay you extra if you get here ASAP."

"Are you sure you want to go back?" He asked.

"Yes. My mind is already made up. Please don't try to talk me out of it."

"Okayyy. Well lucky for you, I'm still here. I was enjoying the sun, but I guess I'll take you back."

Bey smiled. "Thank you so much Marcus. Call me when you're ready. I'll be ready."

A couple of hours, later Marcus had the plane ready for her. As she boarded the plane she immediately went to the bed to lay down.

She want to sleep, but she didn't sleep. She couldn't. The whole night she tossed and turned, thinking about Jay.

Her biggest hope was that he was okay.

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