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It's been two years. Two years of keeping quiet. Two years of false hope. Two years of a one sided love. Studies show if you like some one for more then Two years it might be love.

Does she love him? Well, that she doesn't know. Her friends think she's obsessed but she thinks it's a harmless crush.

Yet, she watched him walk down the hall while switching classes. She glanced his way during lunch. She loved when his eyes turned to crescents when he was happy. She watched him from afar hoping one day, it wouldn't be one sided anymore.

Yoon Chae was indeed in love with Lee Jeno.

Little did she know. Those two years where his too. His two years of keeping his secret. Two years of jealousy. Two years of yearning to hold her hand. He read the study that showed if you like someone for more then Two years it was love, he would deny it.

Does he love her? If some one asked then, yes. His friends didn't know that he liked her, they would tease him or tell him he's too young.

He never glanced her way until he knew she wouldn't look back. He often looked at her while he was in the lunch line. He loved when she wore a giant sweater over her uniform because she was always cold. He loved her without her acknowledgment hoping one day, he would muster the courage to make a move.

Lee Jeno knew he loved Yoon Chae, it wasn't a secret.


It was a cold and windy day in Seoul. It was around 6 am and students were walking into the building to escaped the odd cold spring. Multiple groups where huddled in the halls talking, different topics varied of interests.

A girl of  long haired tied into a ponytail, messy strands of her frizzy hair poking up in all directions. She was the one to enter the bathroom to wet her hands and redo her hair to make it neat. So, she put it in a cute ballet bun.

She left after drying her hands, making her way to the library. The place of imagination and fanfic ideas her and her friends through out when they need a plot. Their conversations are never boring and dry especially when either Leeyin or Chae are hyper.

Speaking of Chae, with her bun in her hair she entered the library. Scanning her ID card before going to sit at the table with her three other friends.

"Hey Chae," Jaelin greeted first, in her hand was a book.

"Sup. What are you reading," Chae asked, dropping her bag on to floor with a loud thud, she sat down.

"She's reading Twilight," Minyeon said.

Chae mad a disgusted look, "why that trash?"

Jaelin rolled her eyes and went back to reading. Chae leaned her cheek against here propped up palm.

"Unnie? What do you think," Leeyin asked, showing her phone wallpaper of her Ultimate Bias, Joshua of Seventeen.

"It looks good, he like glows," Chae said.

"Duh, he's part angel," Leeyin said as if she was proving a fact.

Chae just smiled and sat back not really know what to so, "maybe, I'll go read a book."

The three girls looked up at her with surprised faces, some tried not to laugh. Chae scawoled at then and noticed Minyeon's boyfriend was coming to greet her with that she quickly got up.

Chae ended up in the Manga section, laugh all you want because she wouldn't read a full on book. She looked over them and saw her favorite one 'High School Debut' on the top shelf.

She tried to reach for it but, gave up and just stared at it with frustration. She hoped one would come and answer her prayers, one did. She saw a hand reach for it, examining it she knew it was of the opposite gender.

She felt the heat from the back of her body, knowing he was close to her. She turned around and looked up at him as he read the cover of her book.

A pair of eyes from the other side glared at them. The envy in his eyes flared up like engulfing flames. Yet the two seemed so happy together, maybe it was that.

She smiled, "oh hey Renjun."

His lips curled into a smile as he handed the book over, "here."

"Thank you."

There was an awkward silence after Chae grabbed the book from him. They were rather close and just starting at each other.

"Renjun, let's go," Mark said

Renjun gave her a smile, "see you later."

She nodded, "possibly."

Renjun jogged off but, gave her a small wave before he left with his friends. She shrugged and sat down with her friends then bell rang.

"You will be late," her friends got up ready to leave.

"I'll just check it out," Chae said taking her back pack and standing up following her friends.

They left for class together only Minyeon and her were in the same year. Leeyin and Jaelin had to go to their own respective classes.

Walking down the hallway a boy, a familiar eye smile caught her attention. His smile, his laugh while he talked to his friends, she just smiles looking at him. He makes her day brighter by a smile in any direction.

She watched him as he passed in the hall. She admired him for those few seconds that she saw his face while passing. Once he passed, she never looked back but he did to watch what he never had walk away.

Omg what is this trash

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