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The graduating class of 2017

Mark and Donghyuck threw their caps into the air. Their friends cheering for them. Mark held Donghyuck's hand and walked to find their friends.

"I can't believe you are an adult now hyung," Jisung said, his hand lightly holding Leeyin's, which he asked out last week.

"I'm going to miss you so much Canada," Minyeon yelled clinging on to Mark.

"Get off my man," Donghyuck whined.

Jaemin pulled Minyeon back with a sulk, "that's enough."

Jaelin pulled out her camera and set it up to take a group photo, she pressed the button and ran back to get into the shot. The camera flashed and Chae jumped up to see the photo.

She took hold of the camera and pressed the button to view the photo. She gasped almost dropping the camera.

"What's wrong babe," Jeno asked.

The group ran up behind her to see what was wrong with the picture. As they saw nothing wrong, they began to notice at the end right next to Chae stood a boy everyone missed.

"It's Renjun," Chae whispered.

The blinked not believe their eyes but he was still there, dressed in all white. A loyal friend who wouldn't miss his best friends graduation for the world. They decided to head out to find dinner for a celebration.

Jeno held Chae's hand in his, loving the warmth of her skin against his. He smiled know all he wanted was in his hands, they weren't dating but they were building up from where they left off. They walked behind the group and suddenly Jeno felt the sudden urge to stop.

Chae turn back to look at him, "Jen, what's wrong?"

"Chae, can you promise me something?"

Chae looked at him worried but smiled, "yes, anything."

Jeno looked sad, "promise me, don't walk away from me, the way he did."

Chae sadly smiled and hugged the suffering boy who's mine never forgets the angel who watches over them, "Jeno, I promise."

The End.

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