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At the park, two bodies walk to their destination. They both came from the opposite side. Only to meet face to face. Their tension was too thick to cut with a knife, Renjun closed his eyes and sighed.

Stuffing his hands into his hoodie pockets he looked up meeting the eyes of the other, "Just get over her."

The other scoffed, "she's mine, don't you understand."

"She likes me now! She's done with you Jeno," Renjun said.

Jeno pushed Renjun over, tackling him to the ground, "don't take her away from me!"

Renjun struggled to get out of Jeno's grasp but, eventually pinned him to ground, "I don't want to hurt you Jeno, we are friends."

Jeno pushed against struggling, he ended up holding Renjun by the collar letting out choked sobs. The tears that ran down his face made his eyes close tightly, they left trails of stories. Renjun stopped, looking at Jeno he felt regret.

Softly, Jeno was so hurt the words barely passed his lips, but Renjun heard the help he was calling for  then he spoke, "just hold me."

Those words fell from Jeno's lips and all Renjun could do is listen. He held his friend to his chest, then he opened his eyes.

He was in the cold and was starring at Jeno in the eyes, he was standing right where he started. The two boys said nothing, they just walked by each other. 

Renjun understood what he did wrong and he intended to fix it somehow.

More lame chapters oops

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