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Chae sat down in the library in the morning, she was once again alone. Why did it always seem that way? Well, that's how she always felt. Now? The silence was comfortable and inviting, she looked out the window and watched the clouds roll in.

Two taps on the table caught Chae's attention as her friend Jaelin sat down, "hey Chae."

"Hi," Chae answered, she didn't have much to say, usually she would have been flipping out about something that wasn't important.

Jaelin looked at her as if she was foreign, "Chae are you okay?"

Chae smiled, "yeah, I just- Chenle what are you going here?'

Jaelin looked up at the small Chinese boy who sat down next to her then looked away. Chenle kept trying to talk to Jaelin but she just walked away.

"Aw, why did she leave," Chenle cried.

"She doesn't talk to boys," Chae packed up her stuff. "I'm going to go to, I have to meet up with Minyeon."

"She's probably watching Jaemin finish up practice, so I'll come too," Chenle said picking up his back pack too.

The two walked out to the field and joined Minyeon on the bleachers.

"Jeno looks really happy today," Minyeon said once Chae sat down.

Chae remembered the day before and smiled, she looked over at him, "yeah he does."

"Well, he loves to play soccer," Chenle stated, he ruined the moment.

Chae just watched everyone play a practice game, she loved soccer too. Her dad exposed her to it when she was young and dressed her in different uniforms of teams mostly, Lee Dong-gook of the Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors.

"Chae likes soccer too," Leeyin said, sitting down with her friend Jisung.

"She does," Chenle questioned. "then why doesn't she play?"

"I like to watch it," Chae said quietly.

"No, last time she played soccer she put someone in the nurses office," Minyeon said making it sound exaggerated.

"She's a beast on the field," Leeyin said.

Jisung and Chenle both looked at her with questioning gazes. They didn't believe it, it was Chae they were talking about. She wears over sized sweaters and sleeps with plushies.

"I'm not lying! Chae didn't even say sorry and walked away with no emotion," Minyeon shouted.

"That doesn't sound like Chae noona. She apologizes nearly a million times in one day," Jisung said.

"Yeah, that's what the hyung told me, when two years ago you got your choco milk all over Jeno's new shoes," Chenle said.

Chae's ear turned a bright red color, Leeyin took noticed and cut in, "leave my unnie alone."

unedited, duh ::)

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