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Minyeon knew too much, she suddenly felt out of place hanging out with Jaemin and his friends. She saw Jeno was still down in the dumps when they all were walking to the Park.

"Oh let me get Chae and Leeyin they live here close by," Minyeon spoke. "Jeno come with me."

Jaemin gave her a smile, "be careful."

Minyeon smiled and grabbed Jeno by the arm tugging him in the direction of the homes.

"I'll get Leeyin," Jeno said.

They walked up to the porch of a house that was a cream color. The realized this wasn't Leeyin's but the house he would walk Chae to.

"No, you will get Chae," Minyeon said, ringing the doorbell and running away to Leeyin's house which was next door.

Jeno stood frozen in front of the door, His heartbeat quickened. He was ready to just leave when a women, assuming it was Chae's mom, answered.

"What can I do for you young man," she asked, a smile on her face.

Jeno smiled too, Chae had that smile, "I, uh, does Chae want to play some soccer at the park?"

Her mom chuckled, "she hasn't played in years do want to see the pictures of when she played, I'll tell her to get ready."

Jeno has never been in Chae's house but, he felt warm and welcomed when he walked in. Chae's mom sat him down on the couch with a photo album.

"Chae get dressed your friends want to play soccer at the park," Her mom called out.

"Okay mom," Chae shouted back, soccer always lifted her mood.

Jeno's heart skipped a beat just hearing her faint voice from the other side of the house. He flipped through the pages of the album, he saw picture of Chae and her dad. She looked so happy on the field with their matching Hyundai Motors jerseys.

The house was quiet and he just focused on all the cute pictures. She was so small and well she still was pretty and short.

"J-Jeno," a voice whispered.

Jeno looked up and met with Chae's heartbroken eyes. He didn't know what to say, Chae's mom came in with a pack of water bottles for everyone. Jeno took the case from the older lady and headed outside, Chae tailing behind him.

"Why are you here," Chae asked.

"I wanted to play some soccer," Jeno said, His voice was empty and he acted if he was okay.

He couldn't just shout at Chae that he missed her. They were heartbroken and the others could tell once they got back to them. Jeno placed the case of waters on the table that Jaelin was reading at.

"Do you think it worked," Jaemin whispered to Minyeon.

Minyeon shook her head with a frown, "no it didn't."

"Chae, Renjun, Jisung and Leeyin a team," Chenle called out.

"Where is Mark and Donghyuck," Leeyin asked.

"Reheresal their play is tomorrow night," Jaemin shouted.

"Me, Jeno, Jaemin, and Minyeon a team," Chenle yelled.

Jaemin placed the ball in the middle, "Jaelin will you referee."

Jaelin put her bookmark in and stood up to blow the whistle, "begin!"

The game was intense, Renjun and Jeno trying to keep the ball from each other but it was their own little feud.

"Jeno, I'm sorry," Renjun said, dribbling the ball.

"Why did you do it then," Jeno asked taking the ball.

"Because I wanted to see how far you'd go on, it's been two years," Renjun said falling behind.

"But you like her," Jeno said.

"I do," Renjun admitted.

"Back off won't you," Jeno said. "You are causing problems."

Jeno passed the ball off to Minyeon and turned to jogging. Renjun came up to him.

"I didn't realised what I did was wrong," Renjun said.

"I'm not the one I want you apologize to," Jeno growled, pushing past Renjun roughly hitting his shoulder.

Renjun grabbed his shoulder in pain and Jaelin blue the whistle, "pentaly!"

Chae grabbed a cold water bottle and ran to Renjun putting it to his shoulder. Jeno ached seeing how fast Chae ran to him, maybe she already moved on.

This book makes my heart stop.

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