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At some point during that week, Minyeon and Jeno met up at the cafe Minyeon worked at. The sat in the corner of the coffee shop with their drinks.

"Now tell me your side of the story," Minyeon said.

Jeno took a sip of his juice before speaking, "on Friday, I was dropping her off from walking her home and out of no where I asked her out for Saturday night. I told her we will meet at the theater. I was so excited, I left early from my house. I stayed there waiting so long I fell asleep on a bench. My parents reported me missing because it was 5 hours I was gone, I only told them I was going to see a movie. The police found me sleeping, he cuffed me too hard, and brought me in. My parents picked me up and I slept."

Minyeon listened, "did you ever see Renjun?"

Jeno furrowed his brows in confusion, "no, I only walk by the comic store he worked at. Why do you ask?"

"Chae said Renjun told her you couldn't make up because you were grounded," Minyeon said.

Jeno slammed his fist on the table, "that fox! I should have known."

Minyeon frowned, "is this one of those two best friends like the same girl?"

Jeno frowned, "I don't think Renjun likes her the way I do."

Minyeon looked at Jeno and laughed, "what do you love her or something?"

Jeno got up, the drinks were already paid for. He was ready to walk out and Minyeon stopped him.

"Jeno answer the question," Minyeon said.

Jeno bit his lip, he turned and looked directly in Minyeon's eyes, "I do. I love her."

Minyeon was shocked left behind alone in the cafe.

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