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It was the day, after classes Jeno quickly left the classroom. The mix of his excitement and nerves. Jeno stayed outside the waiting by the gates.

He felt the moment was getting closer, man did he know.

She was walking down the hall, she was always the last one out her classes. Minyeon didn't even bother waiting for her anymore. Chae was on her way towards the gate.

She felt nervous Suddenly, she just didn't know why.

There was a boy sitting against the gate, only a little bit of other students waiting to be picked up their parents. He looked like he was sleeping so Chae approached him.

She crouched beside him and gently moved his hair out of his face. Chae noticed it was him, he looked so innocent sleeping there.

"Lee Jeno what are you doing to my heart," she whispered.

His nose scrunched up cutely, she just smiled at him. She took out a handkerchief and fold it to place it between his head and his shoulder.

She was careful and he was a heavy sleeper. Smiling she stood back up and decided to leave. She walked her way home if he were to watch he'd watch her disappear like every other day.

Later when Mark left through the gates after his theater practice. He saw Jeno sleeping against the gate.

Rushing to him worried, "Jeno! Jeno, are you okay?"

Jeno stirred and realized it was dark outside, more than he remembered. He looked at Mark who was examining him to see if he was okay.

"Hyung, I'm okay," Jeno said, yawning in the process.

"Why do you always say that? This isn't the Jeno I know, why are you out here," Mark slapped him with cold hard facts.

Jeno just stared at him and sighed. He couldn't say anything because Mark was completely right. He wasn't normally this spaced out, he would have said it started two years ago.

It didn't at first he didn't even know he liked her then, Donghyuck before he became super busy kept teasing him. As much as he denied it then months later he realized, he liked her.

"Jeno-ah," Mark said slapping his cheek lightly. "Wait what's this?"

Mark pulled the piece of cloth on Jeno's shoulder and examined it.

"A handkerchief," Jeno questioned.

"Seems like it. Initials Y.C. there isn't much people with single names," Mark said.

Jeno's eyes widened and snatched the cloth from Mark. Mark gave him a strange look but didn't question it. Jeno just had to give it back to her maybe this was his chance.

Oof does he have a chance now?

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