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Everything went back to normal when they went back to school on Monday, Renjun flirting with Chae. Chae and Jeno seemed untouchable to each other, admiring from afar. The only difference is now Chenle and Jaelin were dating.

"Jaemin, I can't fix them," Minyeon sighed.

"Jeno will apologize today, he will confront Chae that Renjun lied," Jaemin said.

"Chae, won't believe him. Chae is trying to move on, she doesn't want to live like this anymore," Minyeon said.

"Yeah, but with love comes pain. Remember what we went through," Jaemin said, he laced his fingers with Minyeon's to hold her hand.

She sighed laying her head on Jaemin's shoulder. They were a pair that tried to fix what was wrong and try to hold onto each other at the same time.

This diversity that they saw between their friends made it difficult. Her friends sat at one table and his friends sat at another. Jaemin and Minyeon watched from the lunch line.

Chae and Jeno only took tiny glances from each other, blushing if their eyes met. Jeno still loved her and she just wanted to see him before she let him go. That was different it seemed like nothing change except they knew their feelings for each other, kind of.

After school, Jeno walked Chae home it was normal.

"I wasn't grounded that day," Jeno spoke out.

Chae froze, "h-he lied?"

"Renjun lied to you, I stayed outside the theater waiting for you all night," Jeno said, he took Chae's hand in his.

"But Renjun is my close friend," Chae was in disbelief and almost started to cry.

"I should have asked for you're number first, I'm sorry I made you suffer," Jeno said.

Chae pulled her hand away, "I can't do this anymore."

Chae walked inside with tears down her face. She could hear it, Jeno's heartbreaking when she left him there. She bet he could hear hers too.

I feel bad about what I am going to do about them )::

Why can't they just be happy?!

walk you home ° lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now