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"Jeno why did you punch him," Jaemin asked.

Jaemin, Minyeon, and Jeno were out buying new sports gear. Jeno was looking over the cleats because his first game was soon.

Minyeon's eyes widened, "Jeno punched Renjun."

Jeno sighed looking down, "I regret it. I nearly got benched from the first game."

"Why did you do it though," Jaemin asked.

"He provoked me, I don't want to talk about it," Jeno said.

Jaemin patted his back, "alright I understand."

"Chae was really disappointed to hear you did that," Minyeon said, she wasn't slow on picking up things, she knew exactly what was going on.

Jeno frowned, he felt as if he lost all his chances with her. Now with Renjun in the way it wasn't getting any better.


The next day Jeno tried his plan again, he was disappointed to see Renjun walking her to the gate. When Renjun saw Jeno he gave him a small smile and bid Chae a farewell. Now that Renjun was gone Chae walked alone, Jeno opened his mouth but, nothing came out.

She was getting closer and closer. He didn't know what to do, his heart was accelerating then he spoke, "let me walk you home."

Chae froze, she looked around but, it was only her. Her palms started to sweat as she grabbed the straps to her back pack and nodded shyly. Jeno actually lived at the end of the street and has seen her walk home countless of times, those were the days he didn't have soccer.

The walk was silent, all you could hear is the sound of the wind and the steps that got closer to their destination. The silence was filled with a thousand words they wanted to say but, never did.

"Thank you for this, I- uh washed it," Jeno said, Chae looked over and saw him pull out her handkerchief.

She smiled and grabbed it, their fingers brushing against each other. They both jumped away from the sudden shock and electricity that coursed through their veins. Two hearts pumped in sync from the actions of the other.

Chae blushed, "t-thank you. How did you know it was mine?"

Jeno's eyes widened at the sudden questions, "w-well, you see, uh- oh yeah, your initials is on the side. Well there isn't a lot of one symbol named people and-."

"I get it," Chae said cutting him off, he sighed hoping he didn't sound like a creep. Chae smiled down at the cloth that was held in her hands, "Thanks for returning it."

"Yeah, anytime," Jeno said, he looked around and noticed her house and frowned. "I guess this is your stop."

Chae looked up at her house and smiled sadly, "I should go help my mom with dinner. Thank you for walking me home."

Jeno smiled at her and she smiled back. She walked up to her porch and once again Jeno watched her back get smaller. Before she closed the door, she waved to him.

Waving back he shouted, "I'll walk you home tomorrow too."

She gave him a smile and nodded, before closing the door. Once she vanished Jeno ran home like a little kid hearing his dad came home from a business trip. 

In other words, he was happy.

His mother almost found it strange that her son smiled to the point his eyes were small and he could just stay like that. He was smiling all day even while doing his chores, once his dad got home for dinner, he asked, "how was school". Expecting a, "boring," and not a smile along with the question, "how was work", really threw him off track.

So cute i'm soft

walk you home ° lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now