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Hey, Jeno can't hang out with you~

Why, Renjun oppa?

He got grounded


It was only 6:30 when Renjun messaged Chae, she was supposed to meet Jeno at the theater at 7. Sadly, now she had nothing else to do except change into her pajamas and stay up to watch kdramas. Man only if she asked Jeno for his number or Kakao.

"Chae, sweetheart? What are you doing? Don't you have a date with that Jeno boy," Her mom said softly opening her daughters door to see her tucked in with her laptop and snacks.

She pouted deep in thought about it then started to cry softly, "I was stood up mom."

Her mom came over and held her daughter like the baby she was to her. She let Chae cry till she fell asleep, tucking her in planting a kiss on her forehead, "Chae no boy is worth your time."

What if I told you this was all a dream would you believe me?

Probably not and it wasn't.

Jeno stood in the cold outside of the theater waiting for Chae to arrive. It was five minutes before seven, his heart was beating fast anticipating.

Soon, it was seven. There was no sign of her, he still had hope.

Eight ticked by while he sat on the bench in the chill nights of Seoul waiting for his chance to arrive.

At nine he was tired, his heart fell to his stomach in disappointment yet, he still waited. Even though all his hope disappeared he still waited for her, why?

At eleven he was brought in to the police station half asleep his parent reported him missing and was returned to them. Scaring his mom, she was worried but her heart shattered seeing her son so torn apart. This was all because of that girl he had eyes on for the past two years.

How blind was love? 

The two slept in their beds, both destroyed and upset. Both with tear stained cheeks and shattering hearts. The next day neither wanted to move and inch, love sick or sick of love.

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