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"So, I heard you play soccer," Jeno said, the two were walking home again.

It's been two weeks, so for the most part they can try to function normally around each other. The looked like every other boy and girl walking up and down the streets.

"I don't, I like to watch people play," Chae said.

Jeno nodded, "Who is your favorite player?"

"I like Lee Donggook," Chae said, she smiled brightly noticing they weren't walking in the direction of her house. "Hey where we going?"

"I wanted ice cream," Jeno chuckled and her heart skipped a beat.

"O-okay," Chae said, she looked down at her shuffling feet and how the street passed under it.

Jeno and her stopped in front of a convenience store that was set up down the street from her house, it was pretty close to the school too. Jeno opened the door for Chae and they entered being greeted by Jaelin, who was behind the cash register.

"Oh, Jaelin-ah," Chae spoke.

Jaelin looked in between Jeno and Chae and smiled. Jeno and Chae became shy clumsily getting ice cream, Chae even denied wanting any but Jeno still bought her a Melonabar.

Chae pouted at Jeno looking up at him, "Jeno-"



"Call me Jeno-oppa," Jeno said, he ate his ice cream calmly.

His heart was actually skipping beats and he wanted to punch himself for saying something so cheesy. Chae just looked down and shyly ate her ice cream, looking down like watching her steps made her seem cautious.

The walked, it was awkward and quiet between the two in that moment. Jeno thought he did something wrong, he felt as if he made Chae uncomfortable with him. Every step they took was another step to the weekend and having to wait till Monday to see each other.

"This is my stop," Chae said, her ice cream was gone and so was Jenos'.

Jeno smiled as he a piece of her hair fell from behind her ears, without thinking he tucked it back. Chae looked up at him with her eyes wide as Jeno slow caressed her cheek.

"Let's go out tomorrow," Jeno said, he didn't know where the confidence suddenly came from but, he liked having to be able to get all his feelings off his chest.

"O-oppa," Chae said, she was shocked as if her heart was going to jump out of her throat.

Jeno blushed lightly at the word and pulled his hand away awkwardly, "movie at seven pm, I'll see you there."

Jeno quickly walked away, embarrassed and nervous. His whole face was hot his mom thought he was running fever. 

Chae just stood there on the sidewalk in total shock. She didn't believe was was just happening but the butterflies in her stomach and the tingle in her fingertips made it very much believable.

He should have picked her up.

This book is getting angsty later on and is dramatic, i didn't see this coming. This book is a mess, yeet.

walk you home ° lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now