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He stopped, as miserable he was he stopped. Who stopped? Renjun did, he complete pushed Chae away to make Jeno happy. Was Jeno happy? No, he wasn't, he couldn't be when he saw the girl he loved suffer.

Chae pushed everyone away, Minyeon, Leeyin, and Jaelin all went down the drain. Though they kept trying to reach her they couldn't, Chae wouldn't speak, she wouldn't eat, and she wouldn't smile. The bags under eyes shows she's restless, she rarely even came to school.

Her teachers where worried, her grades were falling, all people could is just sit and watch her crumble down. What was strange is somehow she managed to give her all, she seemed completely normal at the same time.

The principle called her mom, yet her mom knew nothing that could put her daughter through such depression.

"Ms. Yoon are you sure you don't know what's going on with Chae everyone one is seriously worried, even students are reporting her for abnormal behavior," The principal spoke.

Chae's mother pondered but, she had no clue. "Sir, I can't report anything at home. She doesn't talk to be anymore, she doesn't eat or sleep. I can't help you."

The office was silent, the office ladies had their ear to the door trying to see what was going on. A small girl a close friend of Chae pushed through the office ladies to get into the office.

The door opened and Chae's mom gasped, "Leeyin."

The girl was shaking and crying, the words wouldn't leave her lips as hard as she tried to fight it. The principal came over and calmly asked her what was wrong trying to soothe her.

"Please help, my best friend is on the roof," Leah said through her sobs.

The principal directed the office ladies to call the police as he took Leah and Chae's mom outside. They had Leah show where the girl stood and there she was.

"Get my daughter down," Chae's mom screamed tot he principal, she held Leah to her chest and stared to wail.

Disaster was everywhere, students came out and watch Chae from the ground. They were all sick in their minds for not helping, Chae planned this. She planned it all, she realized it didn't work when the sirens where heard. Where was Jeno? Why didn't he come and help her? Want to know why? 

They were going to jump together.

How about Renjun? Where was he when his friends were on the edge?

He was with them.

unedited angst (::

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