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As the trio stood hand and hand on the edge of the roof, a girl on the other side of the door was doing her best to unjam the door. The tears fell down her face knowing her friends were on the edge of death.

The tears blurred her vision trying to unlock the door, the sirens could be heard and numerous footprints came up the stairs. She was pulled back by an officer who pulled her to the side as the other one hit the lock with an ax.

Minyeon was reunited with Jaelin who came up the stairs with another officer. The door was finally busted open and the two girls pushed through.

"Chae! Jeno! Renjun!"

Jaelin looked at her three friends that turned to look back with broken empty faces, "this isn't the answer."

Chae glanced back down the building and looked at the two who held her hands, "I want to be happy."

"Chae, you are happy. You have friends who love you, you have a family, your best friend is scared to lose you, and these two boys love you very much," Jaelin said.

"Jeno loves me?"

Chae looks back up at Jeno whole is still looking at the sky, he was silent. Once he spoke his voice cracked, "more than anything."


Renjun met eyes with the broken girl, "I just want you to be happy."

"Then why did you try to ruin everything," Jeno yelled.

Chae gasped, she pulled her hands away from the both of them. She was soon pulled back down to safety buried in the arms of her friends.

"Never scare me like that again," Minyeon cried.

Chae's eyes filled with tears, she turned to look up but 

she only saw Jeno...

Yelp sorry, no I'm rushing to end it oops

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