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Once Monday hit, Renjun came skipping down the halls to meet with his friends. He saw Jeno getting things from his locker and went to go greet him.

"So how was your date," Renjun asked, an evil smirk played on his lips.

Jeno didn't show signs of happiness, sadness, or anger. He didn't turn red, smile, nor shed a tear. Jeno didn't even say a word, no word was spoken.

Jeno shut his locker and walked away from Renjun. Renjun felt almost guilty, then he smiled once he saw Chae enter the corridor.

Renjun went to go greet her with a smile, "good morning."

She walked past him not even acknowledging him. Renjun knew he screwed up in that brief moment, he realized it.

Chae was a complete mess. Dark circles adorned her eyes, an emotionless face and tear stained cheeks. Her uniform was crooked and her hair was a mess. What he really regretted was that cute sparkle in her eye has totally vanished. 

He saw it in the halls, Chae's friends trying to left her mood and Jeno acted as if nothing terrible happened. They didn't even spare a glance at each other but sensing each other made their hearts ache.


At one point in the day, Jeno was walking down the hall and was shoved against the locker by a strong force. He looked down unfazed that it was Jaemin's girlfriend, Minyeon.

"What do you want," Jeno asked.

"I wanted to ask why you are such an jerk? Do you have to go around playing with innocent peoples feelings," Minyeon said, her anger was building up and she spoke to him through gritted teeth.

Jeno gave her a confused look, "I don't know what you are-"

"Chae! I'm talking about Chae, I don't want you to go near her again. Do you hear me," Minyeon said.

Jeno swallowed, he was a bit scared of her but who wouldn't be afraid of the captain of the hockey team. "Minyeon, I really don't understand."

"You stood her up you imbecile," Minyeon pulled away, she really wanted to punch him.

"Explain, this then," Jeno said, he pulled up his sleeve to reveal his bruised wrist from the officer putting them on too tight.

"I don't care about you excuses Jeno!"

"It's not an excuse! I stayed out in the flipping cold for Chae to arrive and she never did," Jeno said.

Minyeon looked at him in disbelief then the bell rang, "We'll talk about this later."

Both sides of the spectrum were two difference stories, what made them the same and what made them different? At this point no one understood what was going on, why Chae was so upset and why Jeno was out of it. 

Everyone knew they were suffering, they knew form the look on their face, they knew from the paleness of their skin, they knew from how their behavior was then and now. 

The whole school knew there was a problem, they knew something happen, they all knew the story of their two broken hearts. Was there a rumor? How did they know? There was no need for a rumor, to see the love in their eyes vanish.

There is only 9 more parts of this story before it is over. It will get more angsty and probably won't make sense but oh well

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