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He blew it, Jeno completely blew it. He wanted to give back the handkerchief back to her but he chickened out.


He stood in the corridor waiting for her to pass by. Once he noticed she did and she was alone, he opened his mouth.

Without a word he closed it back up. He followed her wanting to tap on his shoulder but, he just turned around and sighed.


Jeno did the most stupid thing he could possibly do that would blow all his chances. He gave it to Renjun and told him to give it to her.

He's was such an idiot.

At lunch Jeno sat by his friends but someone was missing. It was Renjun.

Quietly she sat at the lunch table while her friends were talking among themselves. A presence joined her sitting right next to her.

She looked up, "oh hey Renjun."

He smiled, "hi gorgeous."

She blushed a bit and smiled, "what are you doing here?"

"I found this and noticed it was yours," Renjun said, Chae was confused until he pulled out the mint green handkerchief.

"Where did you find it," Chae asked.

Renjun glanced at Jeno, maybe he knew that Jeno watched or even was listening. Quickly Renjun made up a lie, "by the front gate of the school."

"Jeno, what the hell!"

Chae quickly looked over and saw that Jeno's juice pouch was everywhere, on him and the table. He stood up embarrassed that it got all over his lap.

Minyeon stood up worried, Chae gave her the handkerchief and smiled. Minyeon took it and gave it to Jeno, who tried to wipe himself on the way to the nurse.

In the nurse Jeno got a fresh pair of pants and watched the handkerchief by hand in the nurse sink. Renjun came in through the door.

"Jeno, how do you do it," Renjun asked, he leaned again the door frame and watched the boy.

"I don't know what the hell you are trying to do but it's working," Jeno sighed frustrated with Renjun.

Renjun smirked, "you can't hide it from me Jeno."

Jeno froze, "I-I don't know what you are talking about."

Jeno quickly ringed out the water from the cloth and pushed Renjun out of the way so he could leave the room. Renjun grabbed his wrist and Jeno looked him with look on his "what?"

"I know you like her," Renjun said.

Jeno's widened then he pulled his hand away, "no I don't."

Jeno reached for the door handle and Renjun said something that made him turn, "then, you don't mind if I have her?"

Treating her like an object smh

I'm going camping so (::

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