Chapter One

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Chapter One


/Meaghan’s POV/

I smiled as I watched Eva and Louis leave after he asked her to go for a walk. We were all glad to see Louis smile properly again and Eva does that easily. It is easy to see that they love each other and that is was hard for them not to be together, especially after the break up.

I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water, leaning against the bench as I watched the others sit on the couch talking excitedly about Christmas. I was excited to be here for Christmas but part of me wanted to be at home with my family like I have always been in the past years. If I was the boys, I wouldn’t be able to cope with staying away from my family for long periods of time.

“Meaghan, are you ok?” Harry said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah, I am fine. Just thinking that’s all.” I said calmly, placing my glass on the table before walking back into the lounge room and sitting next to Harry. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest, kissing my forehead lightly. I smiled at him slightly, resting my head against his chest. I laughed as I watched Niall get on his knees in front of Luna when she said if he wanted Nando’s he would have to beg.

Eventually Louis and Eva came back, smiling widely as they talked to each other excitedly. Harry jumped up excitedly and ran over.

“Did you ask her!?!?” He said excitedly, making me confused.

“What is going on?” I muttered to myself, since no one had said anything. Everyone else looked just as confused as me.

“I asked Eva to move in with me.” Louis smiled, wrapping his arms around Eva.

“Did she say yes?” Harry asked, still curious.

“Yup.” Eva said, popping the ‘p’. I smiled at them, happy they wouldn’t be apart for such long periods of time, wishing that I lived in London so that I could see Harry more often. Harry jumped on them, saying congratulations excitedly making us all laugh.

 “So anyone else moving out of the awesome place that we call home.” Luna asked, looking at April, Angel and I.

“Not that I know of.” April laughed, winking at Zayn jokingly while Angel and I just shook our heads.

“Well the boys and Eva are going to be missing out on lots of fun.” I said.

“Yeah, movies, alcohol, pillow wars in our underwear…” Luna said, causing me to laugh hysterically and fall off of the couch.

“Well I don’t know about you boys, but I am reconsidering staying.” Eva joked, winking at Luna. We all laughed for a few minutes before Niall jumped up.

“Nando’s?” He asked, making everyone groan. He turned to Liam and gave him the puppy dog face, knowing that Liam could never resist it. I watched Liam try to look away, before I saw his resolve break and he sighed.

“Fine.” He huffed, making Niall jump happily. He helped Luna up and they ran towards the door before going outside. I stood up from my place on the floor and walked over to Liam.

“It’s okay soft guy, we know it is hard for to resist the face.” I said, laughing at him. He grabbed Angel’s hand and stood up, before they walked after Niall and Luna, the rest of us following.

“Damn his Irish charm, knows Liam can’t resist.” Harry laughed, swinging our arms between us. Suddenly Louis barged between us, grabbed Harry’s hand and playfully glaring at me.

“Harry is mine!” He said, reminding me of the X Factor videos.

“Well then Eva is mine!” I yelled, poking my tongue out at him before walking over to Eva and slinging my arm over her shoulder.

“What you doing sexayy!” I said, loud enough that Louis could hear it.

“Not much, feeling a bit guilty about not telling Louis about us.” She winked, catching on.

“That’s hot!” Harry laughed, winking at me. Eva flipped him off, making me laugh as he looked at her hurt.

We made our way out of the hotel and out to the car outside. Harry, Louis, Eva and I jumped into one of the cars while the rest jumped into the second car. I sat down beside Harry, resting my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me.

Once we arrived at Nando’s we all jumped out, Harry and I hand in hand. We walked inside, keeping our heads down as we entered. Luckily the restaurant was basically empty, so we sat in a big booth in the back. I sat on the edge of the seat next to Harry and ordered.

As we waited for our food to come, we all talked about Christmas tomorrow, Louis insisting we all get up early.

“I am not getting up at some stupid hour in the morning. Meaghan needs her sexy sleep.” I said, making everyone laugh as Louis pouted at me.

“Tell your girlfriend to not be mean.” Louis said childishly, looking at Harry.

“Meaghan, babe, don’t be mean.” Eva said, winking at me.

“Sorry babe, anything for you.” I winked, laughing at Louis and Harry’s confused faces.

Soon our food had come and we all started eating. Niall had two plates full of food and was ploughing through it as Luna shook her head at him.

Just as I was finishing my chicken burger, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I froze, already knowing who it was. I wiped my mouth quickly before standing up.

“I have to go to the bathroom, I will be back in a minute.” I said before quickly walking into the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me before leaning against the door as I pulled out my phone. I cringed as I read the message.


You know he is too good for you, just let go of him. You are holding him back.

xx M



Hey everyone! Here is the Sequel to Look After You! I hope the people who read Look After You read this one as well.

Please let me know what you think!

5 comments and three votes to start up the story :D

Oh and chapter is dedicated to TributeLegionX because she gave me the name, so thank you!!


Will You Catch Me If I Fall? (Sequel to Look After You)Where stories live. Discover now