2~ The Big Answer

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And finally...

Here is Chapter 2!


"Star... I've loved these last 6 years we have spent together.... but I don't just want to spend 6 years with you.... I want to spend a lifetime with you. I want to have children and grow old together... So... I ask-"

I paused and got on one knee, opening the box...

I could see Star's eyes were as wide as saucers and she had brought her hands up to her mouth...

"Star Butterfly, Will You Marry Me?"

-Star's POV:

I stayed silent...

I tried to form words for how....


I feel.

He just said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.

He just proposed.

He just said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.

I can't think straight...

I can feel my heart pounding on my ribcage.

"Uhhh.... Star?"

His face went from shy to nervous in the matter of seconds...

'Oh. Right.'











"YES." I finally spit out, falling on my knees and hugging him....

My eyes were blurry now and a wet substance began running on my now red cheeks...

I was crying.

Not because I'm sad.


These were tears of joy.

"You have no idea how nervous I was." He said, his voice muffled because of my shoulder...

"And you have no idea how long I've waited for you to ask." I said back, my voice slightly trembling from the excitement...

He broke the hug and grabbed the shiny, new ring...

He grabbed my hand, gently, as if it was delicate and could break at a single touch and slid the ring right in my finger...

His hands were slightly trembling too...

Maybe he was just as excited as me!

He gazed into my eyes and I slowly got lost in his chocolate brown ones...

Marco was finally mine...

And mine for good.

We were finally going to be happy together. Forever.





Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now