~~Bonus Chapter~~

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"Do you, Star Butterfly, take Marco Diaz to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"And do you, Marco Diaz, take Star Butterfly to be your lawfully wedded wife, through life and through sickness... Through happiness and through pain... until death do you part?"

"I do."

"Then I now pronounce you, Marco Diaz king of Mewni and Star Butterfly, Queen of Mewni.... Husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Marco swiftly grabbed Star and dipped her, kissing her passionately and she kissed back, her veil falling off her head in the process...

But she didn't care...

Avast the crowd of people cheering and the warmth and happiness she felt in her chest...

Life is good.

Life is finally going her way...

Her life is complete.

He brought both of them standing again as they smiled at each other with silly grins on their faces, it was as if they were teenagers in love again...

It felt amazing.

Marco was finally hers.

And Marco was finally home.

Star is his home.

"Let's party!" They heard someone shout, and everyone erupted into cheers as they emptied the church to go to the after party of the beautiful ceremony...

Star's bun was undone by the end of the party and her tight dress was wrinkled from so much dancing and sweat...

The last of the guests left and she sighed feeling exhausted as she felt a warm hand on her hip...

"Have fun?" The familiar voice said, making her smile instantly...

"Duh!" She answered, looking at her official husband.

HER husband!

She still couldn't believe it!

After all this time Marco's finally Mr. Butterfly!

And she's Mrs. Diaz...


Oh my Mewni....

If this is a dream...

Please don't wake me up....

If this love is just a feeling...

I must be dreaming....

'Please don't wake me up...' Star thought as she was grabbed bridal style by some muscular arms, being carried away from the party area and brought into their newly wedded royal suite for the night...

After getting off all off her jewelry she laid down next to Marco completely exhausted...

She felt his arm go to her bare shoulder and pull her toward him as she cuddled to his chest, her nightgown wrinkling at the swift movement...

And just like that she was out like a light-


In a few months they finally had the time to go on their honeymoon...

Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now