20~ I finally understand why...

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Wow look I'm actually updating for once.....

Okay look: this might start off super boring but I'm sure it gets better in the end!! .....I hope-

Anyways, go be honest I'm just trying to force myself to finish this book because I've kinda lost my inspiration/motivation to write Svtfoe fanfics and stuff. Idk I still love Svtfoe but I haven't really written much even tho I love to do it.

Anyways enough with my rant and if you read all of that, you have my respect lol.

Here's the new Chapter:

-Star's POV:

As I saw my mother's frail body collapse onto the floor and she breathed heavily, I knew I was on my own.

My mother is not in a state fit for fighting.

I sighed and brought a hand up to her shoulder, making her face me...

"Mom. It's okay. I'll take it from here..."

"B-But Star! Y-You'll *cough* get hurt."

I smiled sadly.

"You've already saved Mewni mom. I'll be fine! I'm Star Butterfly!"

In this case I would've made a rainbow appear on top of my head and hope it would set the castle on fire so that Eclipsa would have to evacuate but then I remembered I don't have my wand.

"Just.... Stay here and rest okay?"

We were in a spare room that I'm pretty sure nobody used.

My mother sighed and I put a pale hand on her cheek.

Her eyes softened and she nodded slowly, her eyes going droopy.

I quickly carried her to the nearest sofa and smiled sadly at her, turning to walk out the door.

Now, I have a plan.

It's inspired by the famous phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover"...

The only problem with that phrase is that people only say it when it's convenient for them.

People don't understand that the book might be exactly like the cover.... or maybe even worse than the cover.

The book might turn out to be a liar.

But I'll just have to hope Eclipsa is more than she seems....

I took in a deep breath and ran toward the dangers of the castle.

-Marco's POV:

I opened my eyes and slowly blinked so my vision wouldn't be fuzzy anymore....

My body aches and my eyes hurt to blink.

I brought a hand up to my messy hair, slowly sitting up from the uncomfortable position I was in the cell floor.

Everything was quiet.

Too quiet....

And as I felt my stomach growl, the hole in my heart only hurt more...

I groaned...

"I'm an idiot...." I whispered in a raspy voice...

I had just woken up from a nightmare, which made something click inside of me.

I was alone in a room and I had a choice of two buttons.

I had to save either Star or Tom...

I couldn't choose and as the time ran out-

Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now