14~ Trapped.

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Hi, Tom is pansexual in this story.


-Tom's POV:


"I. Love. Marco." I repeated, not looking into Star's eyes....

I was staring at the floor now, my heart pounding as if this were the first time I had come out to my family again....

"But- That doesn't make any sense! You.... You hate each other!"

"That's just a cover up for my real feelings for him! I thought I had no chance with him.... until Eclipsa showed me that I do!"

I finally met her gaze, and to no surprise her face was filled with shock.

"I can end up with Marco! I can have my happy ending! Eclipsa told me that the monster can get a happy ending too!"


Star's face was serious now.

"You weren't a monster until now. You weren't a monster until you betrayed Mewni. And I'm sorry- but Marco doesn't love you. He loves me! Okay? And you like- ruined my wedding day!"

"HE DOES! HE LOVES ME! AND IF HE DOESN'T LOVE ME I'LL MAKE HIM BE WITH ME! WE ARE GONNA GET MARRIED NOT YOU!" My body had erupted into flames but I quickly calmed down and sighed....

"I just want to find love. And Marco's the one. I know it."

Star was silent for a while but her face suddenly turned into one of disgust.

"DUDE! That's messed up! He's literally engaged to me, you lied to us and Mewni, you BETRAYED us, you even have us LOCKED UP and you expect him to love you??? Okay, Tom.... I support your sexuality but like, this is wrong!"

I growled...


"That's because I didn't go with her by CHOICE!" She screamed back...

My fire burned out....

"......What?" I said confused....

Eclipsa had said that Star had betrayed her! That she had stolen Mewni from her and needed me to help her get what was hers. And once I did, she would help me get what was mine as well...... Marco.

"Tom, Eclipsa's bad-"

Star was cut off when the door to the prison opened....

"Spy! You are needed upstairs, come with me."

I nodded at Toffee, and looked back at her one last time...

She only shook her head with sad eyes, but I turned and walked out of the room...

"Don't listen to that stupid brat. She's just trying to get in your head." His cold voice said, as we walked down the hallway...

I agreed, but a small part of me couldn't help but think of the words she said.....

'Eclipsa? Bad? No way! She'd never hurt or betray anyone! Sure, she took Jackie hostage but, she hasn't hurt her! She'd never do that!'







-Jackie's POV:

"Time to wake up, peasant!"



I felt someone nudge my shoulder...

"Ughhh...." I groaned....

I have a horrible headache and my body is hurting all over...

'....What? Happened?'

I finally opened my eyes but splotches of white was all I could see....

Fear took over my chest as a sudden wave of panic washed over me...

"I.... can't......see!"

"W-Why can't I see?!" I yelled...

How could this have happened?!

-Marco's POV:

I groaned awake, and before I knew it I was engulfed in a hug...


Familiar blonde hair came into my view and I smiled, hugging Star back....

She let go and leaned back. I smiled at her, admiring her beautiful light blue eyes that were usually so full of life... but now only carried stress and worry.

My smile flattened, as I finally got a look around where we were...

We're in a prison.

"What the heck?"

Star only smiled sadly and helped me sit up...

"Yeah.... we kind of got captured. Looks like our rescue mission was a bust."

"That's just great." I said sarcastically...

I looked around the cell once more...

My eyebrows furrowed.

"Wait- Where's Kelly?"

-Kelly's POV:

Star and Marco had gotten caught, but little did they know that I had snuck away before-hand.

I hid behind one of the pillars until all of the guards and everyone was gone, leaving me as Star, Marco & Jackie's only hope!

Sadly, they took my bow and arrows so I'm kind of defenseless right now.

I'm just trying to lay low until I figure out where they put Starco, and how to break them out.

Then, I can worry about Jackie.

I let out a breath and clenched my fists, standing up from my hiding place and quickly running across the hallway.


I froze.




Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now