19~ Rescue?

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-Moon's POV:

"Wha- Where'd she go?"

"I don't know but keep your eyes peeled."

I willed myself to steady my breathing as I brought my gloved hand to my chest, feeling my fast beating heart.

The guards had chased after me and with all of the strength I had left I used magic to teleport myself to the nearest room....

But I ended up getting stuck on the columns holding up the roof and I was no silently waiting for the guards to leave.

This room-


It can't be!

Is this-

I think it is!

It's the room right next to the dungeon!

I think if I stand up, I can make my way to the next room since the roof doesn't have a wall to separate them....

I slowly placed both my hands near my back and tried with all of my strength to stand up.

As soon as both my legs were standing is when they started shaking and I wobbled, almost falling to my doom-

-Star's POV:

"We're gonna die in here aren't we? We're gonna starve to death and Mewni will be Eclipsa's forever. I won't even get to marry Star! I won't get to become a king and have children and grow old happily with her! I won't be able to see my parents again! Or see my dead friend, Tom. Who.... Who..... is no longer w-with us.... *sniff* w-Why? WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO US?! WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME?!"

I only took in a shaky breath as I continued hearing Marco muttering and complaining to no one but himself.

And I'm starting to wonder if Kelly is even alive. 


She hasn't said a word and it's been 2 days!


A body fell in front of me.


-Moon's POV:

I brought a hand up to cover my daughter's mouth as she was about to shout.

Her eyes were wide and her hair messy.

Her clothes were muddy and stained and I could slowly see her dull looking eyes, slowly glimmer with hope.

"*whispering* Star. I need you to be completely quiet when I let go okay?"

She slowly nodded and I took away my hand from her mouth.

"We're getting out of here and we're saving Mewni. Come on."

"B-But what about Marco? And Kelly?" She whispered back, her eyes filled with concern and her eyebrows furrowed.

I only shook my head.

"I only have enough magic for two people. Y-You have to trust me."

I extended my hand towed her and she looked back at the surely insane by now Marco...

He was still pacing back and forth muttering words that I couldn't understand.

He was talking to fast.

While the other girl didn't say anything at all, looking at the empty cell in front of hers. Staring at nothing in particular.

But her eyes showed no emotion. It was as if a little part of her had died. Not physically.... No.


And as Star looked back, her eyes filled with courage and determination.

My hand glowed white and Star grabbed my hand just in time so I could teleport both of us out of there....

A white blinding light is all you could see before we reached the next room and I passed out from exhaustion. 


Sorry for the short AF chapter!

I kinda have writers block for this book but I wanted to publish something.

I promise the next chapter will be action packed and Star will be taking on Eclipsa!! For now, this is just a filler chapter. Sorry again!


Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now